6:22 is a vision. it is the vision of passionate young people. it is the crazy idea that unity can happen. it is the dream of revival. we have seen glimpses, but it has yet to come. so we press on. we are a small piece of something much bigger. a worldwide love revolution. god is here and his kingdom is coming. we prepare the way with sound and light and color and life.
6:22 is a band. a tribe. a community. we are creative. we are holy. we are love. but we are not original. we copy everything from our dad. we can't help it. we are children who mimic our father and body parts that obey our head. we are one.
6:22 is an invitation. come. watch. listen. join. kneel. lay. wait. think. pray. breathe. stand. move. sing. scream. dance. live.
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