I am a member of the Baha'i Faith. Native of the Pacific Northwest (Seattle), raised in Springfield, IL, served as a Baha'i teacher in Panama and Venezuela (mostly Panama) for more than a decade. I have a wide variety of interests - from bass fishing to virtually all things outdoors. Intellectually open-minded and I enjoy everything from the natural sciences (including astronomy/cosmology, paleoanthropology and geology) to theology and comparative religion. Background in fine arts, graphics design and photography. I have also taught English-as-a-Second-Language in Latin America and for the Northwest Washington Educational Service District Migrant Education Program and I have served as a legal interpreter.Turnoffs: Bigotry in all forms: religious, racial/ethnic, socio/economic, nationalistic or linguistic. I also try to avoid narrow minded, judgmental or self-centered people.
You are 100% Baha'i! Allah-u-Abha friend! You are definitely a true beliver! Coming to the summer school this year?
How Baha'i Are You?
Quizzes for MySpace