Caleb profile picture


i work at coach now girls, call me :p

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

paul walker, jesica alba, bruce lee, randy couture, kobi bryant, troy aikman, michael jackson, justin timberlake, chuck noris, michael w smith, cro cop, youre sister


MJ, JT, soofyan stevens, 3rd day, DC talk, michel w smith, plusone, nsync and bakstreet boys plus i listen to KFI and the fish when my car radio works. its broke.


movies made from comic books, si-fi ones with aliens, predater, star wars, waterwurld, and post-apocalyptic neo-noir dystopias movies


24, Lost, Star Trek, TBN


my Bibel and sometimes the surf magazine Jon has on the toilet


Paul Walker, only the hottest acter to ever grace the screen and Randy Couture-the best ufc fyter of all time.

My Blog

goodby entertainmint, hello handbags!

Thats right. no more pelegrino runs to smart and final for mechelle and kevin or naps on the couch at barnes and noble while they think im in burbank picking up camras.. i got highered last week at co...
Posted by Caleb on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 12:16:00 PST


bruce lee is so sick!! he's the baddest nijna in the whole wide world. you and i both know you would give both your nuts to train with him. bruce probably has like 16 wifes with the hottest bootys on ...
Posted by Caleb on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 01:08:00 PST