As you can see, I finally found a suitable background for this page! After using all the links I could find here, it wasn't until I went to a completely different website to find a link that didn't lead me to "Webfetti", which, incidentally SUCKS!!... So the ever evolving page continues! Oh yeah..I STILL missed my calling as a web designer alright!! NOT! LOL.....But for all my lack of knowledge about these things, I don't think I've done that bad with this page!! What I haven't figured out is.. how to take out that blog title "Favorite Lennon Song".. I deleted the blog..the title still remains.. Any ideas anyone???
Yep..That's me saluting the world!! I had my opinions early on! lol
Let's just say I'm a total Rock N Roll freak! Love my music! I grew up with a Mom that was musically talented...along with her family. Her brothers and sisters all sang and played instruments. What can I say? My house was always full of music when I was a kid. I have one particular great memory of Mom and me. .. When The Bealtes first came out.. she just loved them as much as I did and bought me their albums.. me thinks for her mostly lol. Every time the song "Little Child" played, she made sure I was with her in the den to dance to it! She also loved the beach and surfer/muscle car songs..Jan & Dean, The Beach Boys and Leslie name a few. One particular Leslie song she liked to tease me with was "It's Judy's Turn To Cry".. And I did!! Everytime she played it! LOL You'll find Leslie on my playlist..but NOT that song!! I also grew up on the beach too..those songs will always remind me of Hampton and Salisbury Beaches..Bringing our transistor radios and listening to all those surfer songs! Ahhhh good times! Damn I miss that woman!!
The 45's were always playing too in my house or the radio was going(WRKO AM Boston/Dale Dorman! hehehehe remember it?)..we were always singing..dancing with the harmonicas and accordions that my aunts and uncles played. My Uncle Vinnie played the drums. .. Mom played the Lowry organ and then a Technics. She was pretty damn good at it too..even before she took lessons! I still have the Technics too! Can I play it? Hmmm not too much since I'm self taught! But I manage to crank out a tune or 2! LOL I did learn how to play "When I'm Sixty Four" for her..tickled the hell out of her too!(She had bought a Beatles song book about 20 yrs ago) Thanks for the musical instrument appreciation Mom, but I always wanted to play the drums!! I did spend 10 yrs in drum & bugle corps... but in the damn HORN line!! Go figure, eh?? All my Mom's family (and Mom included) are gone now, but they certainly left me their musical/artistic legacy!!....How could I possibly NOT be so "in tune" with and passionate about music?? I was weaned on early Rock N Roll!! .. They subjected me to many other types of genres too, and taught me how to appreciate them... And I do..wholeheartedly! But it's all about Rock N Roll baby!! The strange this is.. my most favorite song in the whole world is not a Beatles song or a Rock N Roll's called "Theme From A Summer Place" by Percy Faith from 1960. It's hard to describe the memories and emotions that song just does! I finally found it and it's on my playlist!.... Thank you Mom, Aunties and Uncles!! See you all again one day! LOVE & MISS YOU MOM!
Everyone is invited to make any comments they wish. If they don't reflect anything I'm interested in, they'll be deleted!! LOL I'm kidding! Go ahead and let it rip!...
Enjoy the video too. Since I'll be putting up different Beatle videos every now and then...some won't be ones I remember from TV... Yeah I'm what???!! I'll also try to put up some music from some of the bands I've listed in "MUSIC" and some I haven't ... IF anyone cares to listen! lol
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