I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
blunted affect
acceptance of self, others & nature
Clear perception of reality
creativeness & originality
dedication to a cause
deep interpersonal relationships
freshness of appreciation
independence & need for privacy
peak experiences
resistance to social pressures
tolerance & acceptance of others
social interest
spontaneity,simplicity & naturalness*that's da real TRINA.....I know my own strengths & weaknesses w/out trying to distort or falsify my self-image & w/out feeling guilty about my failings.I accept the weaknesses of other people & of society in genaral.Im a person w/ a highly creative & exhibit inventiveness & originality in my own work & in most other facets of life.Im very much flexible,spontaneous & willing to make mistakes.Im willing to listen what my friends opinion & also im a person who's avoid hurting other people bcoz i already experienced the pain and rejection of sumbody...but one thing im sure is i can't act superior or condescending...I tend 2 select as friends those w/ personal qualities similar to my own...sometimes im snob, moody person...
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
same with my personality...also i'd like to meet those people has sense of humor...