A gaL whO’LL die withOut a mirrOr! Hek! kidding aside, weLL, I am definiteLy sOmeOne whO dOesn’t Let anYthinG bOther mySeLf. . . . oOops! EXcept pLa mY mOm! Heheh! A big babY aLthugh I tend tO be verY seriOus sOmetimes…sEemS tO be a snOb tYpe perO im nOt at oL! CertifiEd sCarEdy cAt! GRrRr! AmuSingLy weird! AbnOrmaL xa AbnOrmaL nd nOrmaL with nOrmaL…heheh!u underStanDing… OpEn-mindEd and dEep… dEep aS in sObrang deep… stUbbOrn and a “sLeepYhead†[sUpER!] A reaL taLker…h8s psychO babbLe superiOritY cOmpLex baCkstabbErs and pLaStic peOpLe! im jUst mYseLf! Whatever I feeL at the verY mOment I show it!