Since early 2007, the MMC trio has undergone significant transformation, roots intact. Michael M. Corcoran and Tony Ruccolo have worked together solidly over time, massaging their sound and looking for avenues to push the music further.
With a foundation of originals, and an expanding repertoire of cover tunes, the MMC trio seeks to harness the vitality of any song. Taking the opportunity to expose it's raw elements, the MMC trio often plunge into the game of improvisational chance. Lifting the melody through eternal permutations persuades new vision within the context of shifting decisions.
The MMC trio also explore tunes written in the vein of the singer songwriter style. In pairing with the sometimes chaotic sound of the group, this eclectic mix provides the audience an experience with broad musical influences.
Please enjoy this video of the MMC trio from 9-26-08, the song 'River' by Michael Corcoran.