We're currently working on new material and a better recording, broken down into seperate tracks (Radical, huh?! Radical.), so stay tune!
Rockin' Taco stands in a hood near you, these four assholes/champions of modern day radical bar-room activism formed together only to prevent themselves from getting in each others way. They then went on their epic yet bogus journey/rampage as an unstoppable team of drunken furry. One such proof of this is the "sudden demise" of the bar known as The Lava Lounge (R.I.P.) . Currently their onslaught is on hiatus while they play the drifter role, searching bar and bar again for bands that can prove themselves worthy enough to play besides them. If you would like to request their appearance at one of your "shows," please contact them here. This was our first show, recorded on a cell phone to serve as evidence that it happened: Full Nelson Mandela @ Lava Lounge
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