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You Can GET at Me oN www.thempeople1.com dIS IZ Da paGE of mElissa AKA foxY! wHAPPUD Yall? Yeah Im rePPIN 4 "Them People" anD 4 U Entertainment cauze dey HOT! If anybODY dont like it sO what..LOL. biCthes jeaLOUS caUSe I beAT you to da pUNCH? sTEP yA gAME up. Dis DA official friends of "THEM PEOPLE" pAGE wHERE some fREeeAKY SHid can Go DOwn!..LMAO. Be waRNED, I haNG noTHIN bUT the FLYEST biTCHES. We ALL Reppin "Them People" 2 Da fULLEST. wE dOWN WIT thEY mUSIC, Da FINE Muthafukkas in thEY Group, www.thempeople.com, da bLING bLING, mONEY, cARS, mANSIONS, and all dat baller SHID! We hOLLA At Each oTHA, We TeLL oTHAs To Join our fRIENDS List. SHit we dONT DO? WE DONt Kiss & TeLL. So IF YOU AINT DOWN, mAKE It dO, wHAT It DO aND "STEP OFF LIKE A LONELY azz"...LOL. We aINT pLAYIN', Dis wATCHA Call "a MOVEMENT"! WE GonnA chiLL Up in heeerrrrr! So ALL yOU HIP HOP HEADZ, RAP FHENEZ, R&b LOVAS, PLAYAS, fReeAKS, PIMPS, PIMPETTES, HUSTLAS, BROKE MUTHAFUKKAS, AND BALLARS. yALL come In CAUSE YALL ALL WELCOME HERE! cOME on In and ConVERSate, mASTURBATE, fReeAkalate, OR jUS COMmICATE, but dONT Hate. hOLLA, sOMEBODY MITE CUM 4 U...LOL.THEM PEOPLE qUOTE: IF YOU FROM DA GUTTA, ITS IN U SO USE IT TO BE A BETTA MONEY MAKIN' HUSTLA!CALL BET 2 reQUEST DA "Here" by "THEM PEOPLE" @ 1-800-617 Live AND ViSIT www.thempeople.com whERE THEY drop BOMBZ!