//Laura// profile picture



About Me

Hey I'm Laura :)
I'm 19
I'm short with blonde hair
I love being shorter than the rest.. the rain hits them first =]
I'm loud,i can be selfish and a bit accentric but hey, i love being me.
I'm at college Studying English Lit and sociology
They are alrite subjects i guess
I have recently come to realise that change is a big deal, although i may not like it sometimes, i have definatley learnt how to deal with it.
I'm a much stronger person these days. Bad or difficult situations don't bug me like they used to - i find a way round it eventually. I'm much more open with my opinions now -guess that comes with maturity.
I love my friends i really do - i know they all have busy lives and i don't get to see them as much as i would like but hey thats life, i know they still love me and i love them :)
Lucy,Laura,Amy,Li,Chelle,Karl,Luke,Joe and Lucy are the best They are all individual with fantastic personalities
I love the people i work with too. They are all amazing and we have such a laugh at work - it's all fun fun fun! They are like my second family really - I'm going to miss them so much when i eventually leave :( They make me enjoy my job even more than i already do - love yu all xxxx
I have a really varied taste in music
And i listen to what i want
Don't like it? Don't YOU listen to it then lol
I'm a bubbly person and I love life :) so comment away hehe
I have a bit of a crush for slip on Vans
They are amazing.
I can't imagine me wearing anything else to be honest.

My Interests

I Love:
Sex and The City
Being with my Friends
Hanging out down the pub

Music is lush
So is my pink ipod
I love Incubus.

Faaave drink is Fanta
Faaave food is chinese

Anyone who wants to buy me chinese
is officially my friend :) haha

Comment me :)

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My Best Friends

Lucy, i love you so much. i reli do. You are my best friend and you are such a big part of my life. We have so much history now that i can't imagine you not being there. I know i dnt see yu often but i do love yu and i cherish our friendship. love yu bike! haha xxx
Amy words cannot begin to describe how much i admire, respect and generally idolize you as a person. You and Me have had soo many ups and downs over the years but you are truly special to me and i cannot tell you how much i love you. Please don't ever change! Love you xx

Chelle! You are such an amazing person, you are ALWAYS there when i need you hun and i tell ya what i dunno what i would do without yu, you always cheer me up! We have never ever had a fight which is admirable in a friendship and you make me laugh soo much I love you xx

Karl! You are the reason i lose so many calories lol You always have me in stitches with the random trips to asda! You are such an amazing person and i know i can always talk to you and see yu if im lonely and need a hug i love you soo much xx
Claire! wowee, you are amazing i have known you nearly all my life and we have NEVER once fallen out! I need to see you more huni, i miss you soo much when i don't see you - i love you x

Lisha, i love you soo much we have so many laughs in the past! I don't see enough of you! You are like my mum you really are, you always pick me up when im down and you live soo out of my reach but i know you will always be on the other end of a phone for me if i need you!
Laura ahh we have had a lot of funny times me n you and built a lot of memories over the past year. You always reassure me that everything will be ok when im down and i always trust what you say! I don't see you often but when i do it's great to catch up with you! Life has been so strange not havin you around anymore but i know you will always be there if i need you lol I love you and miss You xx x

Luke, ahhh what can i say really i loves ya soo much - we have had a bit of a strange relationship me n u matey lol Had loadsa good time and maybe a few fall outs..nuffin bad tho and i reli value your frienship =] Love You x

Susan, welll what can i say really! You are an amazing girl you really are! You make me laugh sooo much and i have never known someone do such crazy things like you do, you are a true professional haha! You are such a good mate to me and you are always there when i need you i love you x

Gemmma, my other work buddy! I love ya pal you are an amazing girl you really are - you are hilarious and the ultimate 'let down' haha, you are such an amazing mate and i love ya x x

Luuuucy lol reli great mate to me :) loved the sugar rush and wine nights we had :P was funny lol only known yu bout a year but u r very special to me! love yu x x x

My Blog

would you...

would you...[_] go out with me?[_] give me your number? (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)[_] kiss me?[_] let me kiss you?[_] watch a movie with me?[_] take me out to dinner?[_] let me drive you somewhere[_] cut...
Posted by //Laura// on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:55:00 PST