Welcome to the World of Remote Viewing
The Professional Remote Viewing Consultants are here for your needs.
Real Remote Viewing will be done on your behalf whether personal, investigations, government, stocks, trades, money market, business decisions, employee screening, real estate, treasure hunting,etc etc. We cater to a wide range of people including lawyers, private investigators, researchers, collectors, law enforcement, business people, historians, investors and much more.
You can contact us via myspace by sending a message or by visiting the site at http://www.remoteviewers.eu
What is Remote Viewing?
Remote viewing (RV) is a skill by which a person (a
"viewer") can perceive objects, persons, or events at a location removed from
him or her by either space or time. In other words, one does not actually
have to be there, nor does one need any so-called "physical" connections, such
as television, telephone, etc., to gain information about the target.
RV exploits and improves upon what is more commonly called "psychic" ability (an overused word that has accrued unfortunate connotations), and works whether the target is in the next room or on the other side of the planet. Neither time nor any known type of shielding can prevent a properly-trained remote viewer from gaining access to the desired target.
What Remote Viewing is Not
Remote viewing is not "being psychic" in the way commonly understood by the media and many practitioners of "paranormal" arts—though thanks to recent incomplete or inaccurate reports many have been led to believe otherwise.
Remote viewers are not the typical "clairvoyants," "fortune tellers," or "psychics" we often hear about on TV or read about in the papers. Many of these more traditional psychics often do have amazing talents and abilities, but there is a qualitative difference between the average "natural" psychic, and a properly-trained remote viewer.
About Us
We are a team of experienced Remote Viewers doing this since 1999.
Remote Viewers since 1999, ACHE
Certified, Hypnotherapy Practice from 1990 to present
Remote Viewers associated with
Mount Baldy Institute of Resonant Viewing, Boulder, CO
Energy Dowsers
Free Flight Specialists in Energy
Adventures with Free Flight Productions
Professional Memberships:
American Council of Hypnotist
Examiners Certified Member
International Remote Viewers
Association member
American Society of Dowsers,
President of the Great Basin Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers
Mount Baldy Institute of Resonant
Viewing Associate
Training and Seminars Remote Viewers have attended include:
Matrix Energetics training Seattle, Washington Level 1, 2, and 3 in
October of 2005
Remote Viewing trainging with Angela Thompsen Smith with the Nevada Remote
Viewing Group in Boulder City, NV Oct 2005
Hypnotherapy Institute of Salt
Lake, 1990, Clinical Hypnotherapist Certification
Mount Baldy Institute of Resonant
Viewing, beginning level August 1999, Intermediate level November 1999 and
advanced level January 2000, trainging with Prudence Calabrese in fall of
2002, training with Angela Thompson Smith in October of 2005.
Prophet's Conference, Palm
Drunvalo in Denver, CO
Remote Viewing Conferences in El
Paso, TX; Clearwater, FL; Las Vegas NV; and Mesquite, NV
Web RV Training with Pru
Calabrese, beginning RV class with Pru
Dowsing Conference and training
in Flagstaff, AZ
PIA RV Associate for 1 1/2 years
with Marty Rosenblatt
Remote Viewing Project Management
training with Lynn Buchanan in Concord, CA 2003
Practiced in the dissolution of barriers and limiting beliefs, increasing intuitive clarity, discovering authentic self and defining life path, increasing awareness of how energy flows between people and the synergy of events
The Jonathan Wave and the Shadow Rising Process
Create Heart-felt Desire
Learn to feel the flow of energy directly from Source
Hold the Space of Transition, focus on outcome
Embrace and Celebrate the Shadow Rising Process,
release resistance
Experience Entrainment in Heart Space
Develop effective mind maps, see and experience the differences
Hold sacred space for self and others
Receive new awareness, the new vibrational frequency of being
Repeat the Jonathan Wave Experience as desired with gratitude
and appreciation.
The Remote Viewers have studied over 1,000 books, attended 45 seminars and received training in many modalities related to hypnosis, health, remote viewing, healing, energy flow, spiritual emergence, and the human awakening process, shamanic practices, drumming circles. Our main viewer B. Richardson has been of service to countless people who have received many gifts of understanding and healing. She tirelessly supported her husband in his death process as he chose to die peacefully by leaving his body rather then suffocating and struggling. She had walked the Valley of Death with her eyes open that she might bring back understanding to help those still struggling with the shadow energies. If any of this speaks to your soul, we may be of service to you.
Real Remote Viewing will be done on your behalf whether personal, investigations, government, stocks, trades, money market, business decisions, employee screening, and anything else you want.
Your information & projects are 100% confidential with us.
We are an Independent Remote Viewing Consulting Service with clients from all over the world.
We retain the right to decline projects that are deemed to be unethical or illegal. All projects are fee-based and are not contingent on rewards received, bounties won, treasure found, or stocks sold.