.. Copied from MySpace.com --
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!Hi!
My name is Karen E. Quinones Miller, and in addition to being an author, I'm also a literary agent. As such, I'm always on the lookout for new clients and good writing.
I'm interested in representing book length manuscripts (sorry! No poetry or short stories) both fiction and non-fiction. I do, however, have a very strong interest in literary fiction.
I'm African-American, but I do NOT limit myself to works written by African-Americans! I'm willing to look at works by any author.
If you've completed your manuscript -- and are in search of a literary agent -- please go ahead and send your query letter to me at:
[email protected] I look forward to reading it.
(To get tips on writing query letters, please check out my blog dated Sep. 19th, 2007)If I email you back a rejection, it doesn't mean that your writing stinks! It simply means that it's not what I'm looking for, or -- that while I like it -- I don't quite love it. Experience has taught me that the books I'm most successful at selling are the ones that I absolutely love.I do NOT charge a reading fee, and I only make money if I make money for you (i.e. finding a publisher for your work.)Publishers to whom I've sold books include Simon & Schuster, Kensington, Warner Books, and St. Martins Press.
If you message me asking for advice, please don't get upset if I don't get back to you. My mailbox is always full, and there's no way I can answer everybody.
That being said, please do know that I'm pulling for all aspiring writers, and even if I'm not the agent for you, I hope that you will find one.Good luck to all of you!
And remember, the best way to become a good writer is to do a lot of reading, and do a lot of writing! So get to it!