oh einfach Menschen die genauso drauf sind wie ich, Partys yeah soo und von den Berühmtheiten gibt es eigentlich nur 2 die ich kennenlernen möchte, das wären Mr. Williams und Otto Waalkes (den ausserfriesischen) ;)Hallöchen it love, are one crazy McDonalds woman. Like that in my spare time I am dearest among people, to find am I in Discos and taverns and on the work. Schmuse gladly with my favourite, and mean two cats and the dog Shirley ...... Hear gladly music and love jokes over everything, first of all black humor ....... lol tja. if times more should occur to me, then write in I again more;) Lippstadt of forever and more ever Whom I would learn to know gladly: oh humans those exactly the same drauf are simple as I, parties yeah soo and from the famousnesses give it actually only 2 which I to become acquainted with would like, that would be Mr. Williams and Otto Waalkeshttp://www.projectplaylist.com/playlist/additem/14997 4