Our kids. we want to make sure they are provided and well nurish. and my Husbund whom I support.
I'd like to meet up with old friends and meet new friends too! haters welcome.
There's so many to mention, I don't want to bored you.
I love scary movies. I love being scared. I'm a big fan of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. any True stories that interest me. but I hate movies that don't make sense! Action, I love GOOD Action movies. Drama's.....I don't know, don't want to deal with DRAMA'S!
ahhh....again, there's too many of them, don't want to bored you.
Gosh! I hate reading books! I'd rather have you read them to me. seriously, i read alot of Dora Books for Caelynn. but Chris, reads to himself.
Lord. for all of the blessings he's given to me. My parents, for supporting me. along with my sister Elizabeth and brother Alexander. and my husband, Moore Sanchez. for understanding me. I still wonder how he puts up with me. I LOVE HIM.