Lyndsey profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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Ahh, where do I start? I've been married almost a year to the greatest guy in the world- Dustin- and am loving it! We're expecting our first baby sometime in mid-July and couldn't be any more excited! I've been put on partial bedrest and it sucks- but well worth it. Right now our only babies are our cat, Dolly and a bunch of cows. I work for CBS4 in Rock Island as an Account Executive. I've got a WONDERFUL family- on both sides- which I'm very close to! I enjoy relaxing, working outside, being with friends and family, Hawkeye football, Hawkeye basketball and the Indianapolis Colts. I'm easy going but firm. I'm a city-girl but love cattle. THE END

My Interests

I enjoy a lot: Iowa Hawkeyes, Music, Reality TV, Cattle Shows, Family, Friends, Reading, Shopping, Napping and Long Hot Showers.

I'd like to meet:

Our daughter, My Grandma Helen and Dustin's Grandparents


Anything and Everything


I can never stay awake through any movie!


Law & Order, Kidnapped, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, ER, The Real Desperate Housewives of Orange County and all Court shows


Yeah, between napping and working I don't have much time to read


My Parents, Dustin & My Grandma Betty