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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am the proud mother of two beautiful and gifted children, a son in law and a precocious 3 year grand son who is the love and absolute joy of my life. A native of Magnolia, Arkansas, I attended Southern Arkansas University where my passion for radio was birthed, which led me to Power 92 FM in Little Rock, AR where I worked for more than 7 years. I moved to Dallas, Texas to fulfill my desire to work in a major market 7 years ago, and upon my arrival I became a member of the Potter’s House. I have enjoyed a 20 year career in radio and have studied Acting, Radio Broadcasting and Television. I am currently a Writer, Singer and Poet and previously joined with local artist traveling the metroplex performing live shows. I am also a licensed Realtor and a former host and volunteer of the Television Department at the Potter’s House and have been at guest on the Potter’s Touch with Bishop T.D. Jakes. I have been an invited speaker for God’s Leading Lady’s, the vision of First Lady Serita Jakes and WoMan to woman ministries. I am known around the country as “Stormy Taylor” or “Stormy”. I have worked for ABC’s nationally Syndicated “TheTouch” Radio format and KRNB, 107 dot 7 in Dallas, Texas to name a few. And more recently I was employed at the Oasis Jazz Radio Station as morning sidekick on the Jeff Elliot Morning Show. My passion is writing and recently I wrote two soon to be published books titled “The ties that bind”, a Christian fiction book and a children’s book titled “Horsy and Froggy, it’s just nice to be nice”. On V101.1 FM on the radio and online I can be heard weekday mornings from 5-9am during the Tom Joyner Morning Show and 9-10am after the show and on Sunday's from 6-10am.

My Blog

My Confessions Today

Here are just a few............. I possess my vessel in sanctification and honor (1 Thes. 4:4) because I am the temple of the Holy Ghost! (1 Cor. 6:19) I present my body a living sacrifice, holy ...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 04:07:00 GMT

Did you survive to die!

Did you see this on the news?   In LJUBLJANA, Slovenia on July 3rd 2008- Divers pulled six bodies out of the Sava River and fought strong currents Friday to search for five other people still mis...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 16:03:00 GMT

Is It Really Worth It?

I'm concerned!  Is it me or what is happening to us as a people in this post modern era.  I heard an infamous and legendary radio DJ tell all women that they need to test drive before they ...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:14:00 GMT

Why "Take A Bow"?

Take a bow devil!   I wrote this blog just for me, read at your own risk!    It is approximately 10:35pm and I must awake at 3am this morning.  Why am I not asleep?  Well fo...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:56:00 GMT

Carve Stones Dont Throw Them

There have often been times in my life when I have wondered what is God up to now.  Through troubled times and in my midnight hours I would hope and pray that this too would pass, not knowing tha...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 15:50:00 GMT

"A Blog A Day Keeps The Doctors Away"

I had listened to her for years say how therapeutic it was, and I tried it for my self over the years.  But I never did it the way I do now.  I journal, I write and it has been one of the b...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 12:27:00 GMT

What Are You Afraid Of?

Why are we so afraid to open our mouths and speak the truth or truths?  Why is it that we see injustice in the world and in the church and instead of confrontation and dealing with what...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 12:13:00 GMT


Talking to a friend the other day I found myself saying "Why can't God just draw me a map and write on it "You are here" and then show me his plans for my life and then draw a line (like we do on thos...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 19:21:00 GMT

"Sistas don't get it twisted YOU ARE A PRINCESS"

This is one of the blogs from my son's site "The Prince Preacher" with a few added inserts in (parenthesis) from his Mommy.  He got most of this from me, just kidding son.  But seriously we ...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:22:00 GMT

"The Revolution Should Be Televised"

I saw the latest Tyler Perry movie "Daddy's Little Girls" and was a bit disappointed.  Overall I thought it was okay and I definitely applaud his efforts.  However, I was a bit bothered...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:42:00 GMT