Lauren Elizabeth profile picture

Lauren Elizabeth

Die young and save yourself

About Me

Lauren Elizabeth

Born and raised all over creation
My home is where I feel comfortable being
I have many friends, but i rarely talk to any of them
I want more out of life than I am getting
I live like a hermit
I have a best friend who i never see
I'm usually alone, so big crowds intimidate me
I want to move out of illinois in the near future

If you want to know anything else..use it.
AIM uhohmrradio

My Interests

Drop Down And Get Yo Eagle On Guurrlll

Hate Crimes

I'd like to meet:

Friends and lovers make the world go round


Chick flicks


Food Network

My Blog


I have less than 2 months of school left I quit smoking pot I have the best boyfriend ever I have lots of sweet friends, but few best I love tegan and sara my hair is short and brown My birthday is in...
Posted by Viva 2k7 [Happy birthday to me] on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:26:00 PST


Story time:Sheila and I went into the ep library so she could get online.we were there for about...20 minutes or so..there were other people there such as a lady, and girl on myspace, some black dood ...
Posted by Viva 2k7 [Happy birthday to me] on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 09:18:00 PST


The first thing you are supposed to teach your child when they are able to understand it is to accept themselves. I wish my parents stressed more on this issue. i feel completely lost sometimes. I sa...
Posted by Viva 2k7 [Happy birthday to me] on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:47:00 PST


So i was going through my pictures from the past year... and i was thinking to myself..i have the sweetest friends, and the sweetest life. I miss some of the people i used to hang out with alot. But s...
Posted by Viva 2k7 [Happy birthday to me] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


16 year old.Football player.a lot of friends..Junoir.Never going to prom..never going to have kids..or get married..all b/c he didnt wear his helmet during 4-wheeling.Your in my prayes..and i hope you...
Posted by Viva 2k7 [Happy birthday to me] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST