Kaamaat project was born on March 11th 2007 as a practical esoteric study in musical sigils.
My purpouse is to test the power of will hidden in a loop of sounds. I try to create a particular atmosphere which can help making a direct contact with the unconscious during a meditation process.
I will start the experiment creating different tracks made by a repeated loop.
If you like, you can partecipate and leave feedbacks, or write what you saw, or whatever else.
Sigil no° 1 - Revealing hidden memories.
Images will come to mind, visions of your past, hidden in your unconscious.
Don't think about anything. Just close your eyes and start to remember...
You can download the music loop in two versions: a standard one or an advanced one.
And here you can find the first external remix , by Dead Beat Project . Check it out, it worth a lot!
Sigil no° 2 - Energy recharge.
New and powerful energy will refill your tired body.
Just find the soft pulsing rythm behind the pounding drums, tune with it and let energy flows inside.
You can download the music loop here .
Sigil no° 3 - Destroy to rebuild.
Many times we have to totally destroy something to build up a new status.
This is a voyage through waning ruins where all is dying, all but the powerful will to live from a new gound zero.
Sigil no° 4 - A way out.
Every part of the body is falling in a deep state of relaxation while the old unconscious try to find a way out to the astral plane.
Every track is pubblished under
this Creative Commons License .