Music is to me what water is to a fish. I mainly gravitate towards anything Rock (Prog Rock and it's sub-genres being my favorite). I can listen to Rick Astley one minute and Slayer the next depending on what I feel like. I love it all from Pink Floyd to Daft Punk, from Spock's Beard to Sunn 0))), from M83 to Strapping Young Lad. Other interests include driving on empty desert roads at 2:00 am (with music, of course); coffee & cigarettes; laughing at things that shouldn't be laughed at; Guinness; Summer; awareness; video games (massively); watching idiots get fucked up the ass by the concequences of their own shitty actions (rare, sadly); common sense; playing guitar (with utmost mediocrity); playing keyboards (ditto); fuck, lots of things.
There's only one thing worse than a waste of time: a waste of my time. If you're an idiot, or if I suspect you of such, get off my page. That aside, Myspace is glorified emailing. I mainly use it to communicate with people I know in real life, so unless I already know you, theres a good chance that I'm not going to like your ugly face and not going to want to know you. I'm not particularly keen on meeting any random fuck out there who wants to be friends with me just for the heck of it. Occasional exceptions are made for people with whom I share mutual interests, mutual friends, or people who just seem interesting. I don't add bands. I don't give a damn who you are. If you think I'll like your stuff, send me a message and I'll check it out. If I like it, I'll give you real support by going to your shows and/or buying your albums, not by giving you another page to dump your flyers on. Remember, this is MySpace, not Free Advertising Space. If you think I'm cute, awesome. I don't care. Don't talk to me if that is the only thing about me that appeals to you and go fuck someone else. There are plenty of eligible bachelors here that I'm sure would love to hear from you. I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I find the world to be morbidly overcrowded with mediocre, dense, shallow, uninteresting people. I want nothing to do with them. Tough thing, considering about 90% of them hang out here. If you find yourself agreeing with anything I've said then maybe we'll like each other after all.
Currently listening to: Porcupine Tree, Dragonforce, Coheed & Cambria, MSTRKRFT, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
I'm particularly fond of films that make your brain hurt.
House M.D. Other than that, TV is pretty lame.
Recently read: House of Leaves, The Metamorphosis, shitloads of "how to write books" books. Currently reading: Only Revolutions. Mark Z. Danielewski is a crackhead/genius! Please check him out if you want some top shelf make-your-fucking-mind-explode reading
I look up to no one; I look down upon no one.