...and ofcourse sexy Raul!
Posters of my artwork are now available for purchase. Click on the picture below to order yours!!CLICK BELOW TO CHECK OUT LAKESIDE'S NUMBER ONE RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER!!CLICK BELOW TO CHECK OUT THE MOST LUXURIOUS APARTMENT BUILDING IN PACIFIC BEACH!!SEXY PART II IS NOW HERE!!! CLICK ON THE PICTURE BELOW TO SEE THE PAINTINGS!!!SEXY PART I -- CLICK ON THE PICTURE BELOW TO SEE ALL THE PAINTINGS!!!CLICK BELOW TO SEE MY ART WEBSITE!!!Liar Liar, Meet the Parents, Austin Powers, Ace Ventura, Office Space, Goodfellas, Casino, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Scarface, 40-Year-Old Virgin, and of course Napoleon Dynamite. . .
Not too big on TV, but when I do watch, it's usually the same shows: Jay Leno, Conan, Seinfeld, Man vs. Wild.
Art of War, Instant Analysis, The Death of Death, The Bible Code, Gideon's Spies, The Art of Persuasion, Never be Lied to Again, Roots . . .
My father, Albert Einstein, survivors of terminal diseases, those who are given nothing, but still make the best out of every day.
but most of all Raul is my hero, not sammy!