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This user has moved on.

About Me

Are you using this site to keep in touch with family and friends? Why not call, email or visit them instead. It's almost like we choose to talk to our friends through myspace (especially with comments) just so we can brag to the world about how popular we are, and or how many friends we have! Are we so desperate to feed our egos that we have to continue this popularity contest of sorts? WHO'S THE WINNER??? WHO GET'S THE PRIZE??? WHAT IS THE PRIZE??? CAN SOMEONE TELL ME???At the end of the day, did you really make your world any better because you added 50 more people, or because you commented on most of your friend's pages??? Think about it.... Did it really enhance your life? Or, are you at the mercy of a site that keeps you checking your home page for new friends and messages like a crack head who can't wait for his next fix!There is so much more to life! I'm not trying to sell a religion, or an alternate website, or anything else of the like! I just think it's sad when a website can take over the precious time, productivity, and real human interaction of a population!GET OUT THERE AND LIVE YOUR LIFE! I want to be able to look back on my life and be proud of accomplishing something, having created, loved, laughed, traveled, tasted, and not how I made popularity for myself on mywaste!