Nate_Hale profile picture


Keep your head up; the colors are beautiful.

About Me

(insert normal myspace crap here) "I'm a party girl and I like to live it up and hang out with my friends!" blah blah blah (random poetry) (ambiguous song lyrics) (bad grammar)I'm always on the computer so if you really need to know, just message me.argg punk ass emo kids attack!

AIM S/N: JohnnyShoreMD

My Interests

I'm getting into programming
And learning in general

I'd like to meet:

Kwoon - I lived on the Moon / Animation by Yannick Puig
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punk, rock, techno, elevator music


Pitch Black, TCO Riddick, Bill and Ted, The Rock, Advent Children


is mind-numbing, too many damn advertisements. I only watch DVDs.


anything "how to..." I love learning; I can never finish a novel.


Einstein, Ghandi and Riddick

My Blog

Mostly Hamsters

nothing much to say, just trying to get people to notice the evil genius. No, it's not me. It's Dr. Hamstructo. Check him out at
Posted by Nate_Hale on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 03:44:00 PST

"Nothing" (poetry *gag*)

It's 3 am and my lines are sinking,sticking to the ceiling;My eyes are meltingto the skinaround my brain.In so many ways it's not right .In some stupid sense,acceptance flows,psychoanalyzing like anyo...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 12:11:00 PST

Artists suck

Whoever invented the blog must have been a writer with writers block. These things are so damned evil sorta like potato chips. You write one, then you think maybe people will read it. Once they d...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Wed, 24 May 2006 02:11:00 PST

On Complaints

So that people will stop reading my older blogs, I'm posting a new one with absolutely no regard for my safety. Gaze in shock as I perform philosophical, grammatical and intellectual back flips though...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 05:28:00 PST

Don't be afraid, damnit.

People are too damned scared of everything, scared to talk to each other, scared to speak their mind, scared to learn to do things right, scared to make mistakes, scared to know whom they really are, ...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 11:20:00 PST

The Big Bang... Right Over There -->

The zero-point reference paradox states that because the universe is infinite there is no point of reference to judge whether object A (my car) is moving on top of object B (the earth) or if object B ...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 01:01:00 PST

The Armed Forces of Cynicism.

Okaaaay... So this is an "Army National Guard" ad that was generated on my home page here at Myspace. When I saw this I had to stop everything I was doing, take a deep breath and soak it in. What is ...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Quantum Boobies

I wonder how many girls have their drunk asses posted on this site. All the dudes are doing interesting things like skydiving, surfing, jumping on/off shit and all the girls are doing is drinking and ...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"I know Kung Fu..."

Which fu shall kung out on top!? Wolf and I started Kung Fu classes today. I spent half the time on the floor b/c my legs wouldnt work. They just gave out after so much stress. They still feel funky,...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

cerebral combustion

My head is about to explode. I've been learning Maya (a 3d modeling/animation program) and flash (2d animation) for the past month, virtually non-stop. Well, in truth, Ive been working on Maya mostly...
Posted by Nate_Hale on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST