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We love eachother, in the fullest way anyone can love another person. We never knew what true love was. We had never loved someone the way we love eachother now. So now that we know what it is and how it feels, nothing and no one will ever change what we have together. We are the ground eachother stands on, and we will never give up.
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About You
Name?: Britny Anne Rennacker
Age?: 18
Height?: 5'7"
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 140
About The Father
Name?: Patrick Michael McGuire
Age?: 19
Height?: 5'8"
Are you still together?: Yes and we always will be
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes.
When did you find out you were pregnant?: end of March, beginning of April
Was it planned?: No.
What was your first reaction?: I didn't believe the at home test, mostly denial
Who was with you when you found out?: Patrick
Who was the first person you told?: my mother
How did your parents react?: all were actually ok
How far along are you?: July 9th 07 I am 19 weeks and 3 days
What was your first symptom?: Nausea and throwing up
What is your due date?: November 30th 2007
Do you know the sex of the baby?: Yes
If so, what is it?: IT'S A BOY!!!!!
Have you picked out names?: Yes.
If so, what are they?: Matthew Michael McGuire
How much weight have you gained?: 15 pounds right on schedule
Do you have stretch marks?: a few, but i use cream
Have you felt the baby move?: Oh yes he loves to kick all the time
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Many times
About the birth
Will you keep the baby?: I AM
Home or hospital birth?: hospital
Natural or medicated birth?: medicated
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: Patrick the father and my love
Will you breastfeed?: yes
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: I hope not
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: I probably will
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: I'll tell him I love him
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: sure
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: a little of both
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Patrick is a Virgo and I'm Sagittarius
6. VIRGO - The One that Waits(the Virgin - 23 August - 22 September)
***** Dominant in relationships.***** this one right here for sure
* Someone loves them right now.
* Always wants the last word.
* Caring.
* Smart.
* Loud.
* Loyal.
* Easy to talk to.
* Everything you ever wanted.
* Easy to please.
* The one and only.9. SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One(the Archer - 22 November - 21 December)
* Spontaneous.
* High appeal.
* Rare to find.
* Great when found.
* Loves being in long relationships.
* So much love to give.
* Not one to mess with.
* Very attractive.
* Very romantic.
* Nice to everyone they meet.
* Their Love is one of a kind.
* Silly, fun and sweet.
* Have their own unique appeal.
* Most caring person you will ever meet!
* Not the kind of person you wanna mess with because you might end up
South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy, Bringing Home Baby, Special Deliveries, Yummy Mummy, RunWay Moms, A Baby Story
Parenting ones. lol
We saved eachother. We are one another's heroes, and our newest little hero is Matthew.