Member Since: 11/03/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Me......!.. and some Nefarious Fellows.. ;p
Have another drink Lady' ;)
Overdrive' Mike Helms and the Nefarious Clydes' Live at Dantes'
This ones for the Ladies' ;p
'The Sunset Strip' Mike Helms and the Nefarious Clydes from Mike Helms on Vimeo . ;p
Infinity I' Mike Helms & the Nefarious Clydes' Live @ Dantes
Circumstance (Accustic Solo)
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.....Ya can kinda get a taste of all sides of my writeings dont'cha think................
Infinity I
..........With the help of some Friends!
Players and co authors on some of these songs Includeing:.. Pete Fennell,Guitar,vocals... Jeff Tummond Bass... and Matt Westersund Drums...I'm also a member of a joint!?! hmmm.. Uhhh? Venture called Eggman Productions..
Of witch my official title is ' Directing Editor '...
TAXI’s Music Biz FAQs contain songwriting tips music-business information, and articles on Film & TV Music placement.
Influences: Sex, Booze, and occasisanly a friend or two!!! Oh did I say SEX!! and BOOOZE!!
Sounds Like: Me!!
Record Label: Unsigned