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Mike Helms

About Me

It's very cool to be liveing in an age that you get to be your own star in a way'... and with a little money and some serious effort you can show people as well as tell them what your feelings are, and how you wish them to be percieved' and sometimes you get to try to do a little more.. 'Before Hope Fails' is my first prodution useing other actor's... and with their help I hope to maybe reach out to a few souls'... One in perticular' my cousin Christopher'... Peace Man'....
Before Hope Fails from Mike Helms on Vimeo . While shooting Video with Eggman Video Productions' we get to try out new shots and special effects on my songs'... these are shot in High Def' which can be seen at the Vimeo link...with some fades and pic in pic effects'... just tryin to capture the exspression of the song' in a produced video piece'...this is Lost for You'..
Lost for You from Mike Helms on Vimeo . While I have certainly reached and age of maturity? I admit to still bein a bit of a Momma's boy' least wise ya got to love yer Mom... well most do' I sure as hell do... and with this song and video.. I get to share mine and my family a bit.. with you.. ...................................For Mom'
For Mom from Mike Helms on Vimeo . ....... | More Videos
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Here's a clip of Mike Helms and the Nefarious Clydes' live!
Mike Helms and the Nefarious Clydes' Live @ the Red Room from Mike Helms on Vimeo .The Background Artwork was done by Rebekah McNemee You can see more of her at her Myspace.URL http://www.myspace.com/badkittyrockgoddess This is Bekah's Banner click on it to go to Her Site''

My Interests


Member Since: 11/03/2007
Band Website: mikehelmsmusic.com
Band Members: Me......!.. and some Nefarious Fellows.. ;p Have another drink Lady' ;) Overdrive' Mike Helms and the Nefarious Clydes' Live at Dantes'
This ones for the Ladies' ;p
'The Sunset Strip' Mike Helms and the Nefarious Clydes from Mike Helms on Vimeo . ;p Infinity I' Mike Helms & the Nefarious Clydes' Live @ Dantes
wooohooo' Circumstance (Accustic Solo)

Add to My Profile | More Videos ............................................................ .....Ya can kinda get a taste of all sides of my writeings dont'cha think................ Infinity I
..........With the help of some Friends! Players and co authors on some of these songs Includeing:.. Pete Fennell,Guitar,vocals... Jeff Tummond Bass... and Matt Westersund Drums...I'm also a member of a joint!?! hmmm.. Uhhh? Venture called Eggman Productions.. Of witch my official title is ' Directing Editor '... TAXI’s Music Biz FAQs contain songwriting tips music-business information, and articles on Film & TV Music placement.

Influences: Sex, Booze, and occasisanly a friend or two!!! Oh did I say SEX!! and BOOOZE!!
Sounds Like: Me!!
Record Label: Unsigned

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