Wordist & Design Demon / DJ & Promotions: theDirtyMafia .
Brand Identity Development: BrandName Labs
Watch for the grand resurrection of the mighty DangerMedia Guild , in memory of my sister. That's coming soon. You'll like it. I hope she does too. It's an artist's collective for writers, visual artists, musicians and other creative thinkers. If you're interested in showing your work, get in touch.
Also: I pierce. When my work status resolves, I'll pierce people I don't know, armed with license, portfolio and quallies on show. Until then, I pierce with intimate permission only.
Origin: Brooklyn
Coordinates: Prime Meridian (London)
Result: I talk funny.
Uh oh: I'm a jerk.
But: Apparently it's funny
AND: There are voices in my head.
O NOES: I listen to them.
I'm half aesthete, half thug. Neither mod nor rocker. I resent the popular appropriation of pirates, but dig the cool skull bling you can buy for cheap now because of it. Silver over gold. Stones over Beatles. Marmite over Nutella. Max over Zero. Fel over Can. Up over down. In. Over. Out.
Read something without pictures. Do eet. Being able to present yourself verbally will last forever, long after the eyeliner disappears into the crags.
Blackchurch is my last name. Those you see with the Blackchurch seal are quality mufuckas. You CAN pick your family, kids.
AOL instant messenger: DirtyVitreous
MSN: Vitreous @