~ Vicki ~ Angel Feather's Journey ~ profile picture

~ Vicki ~ Angel Feather's Journey ~

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About Me

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I was born in New Mexico and I LOVE that land. My family is mostly from Texas so I've been told I'm a Texan as well (which would explain the 'don't mess with Texas' attitude I get sometimes). I try to live by the "golden rule" which to me means if you don't like it, chances are no one else does either so don't do it. I love my family and would give my last breath for them. I feel very blessed to have a man that loves me as much as he does (and spoils me often!). I love meeting every soul and sharing the stories of our journey on this earth. There is so much beauty and so many blessings both seen and unseen. So many times we struggle with every day life and wonder......Let the lighter side of spirituality fill your soul. May your journey find love in all it's magical forms. ..
I changed my profile with help from pYzam
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My Blog

Happy in Heaven?

When I sit quietly, I always have random thoughts flood my mind.  Here's one I thought I would share.  When I was young, I was asked:  "If you're not happy here on earth, what makes you think you will...
Posted by on Wed, 13 May 2009 18:51:00 GMT

Does the Truth Really Set You Free?

Recently I've been asked by several people, "are secrets really lies?" Most of the time, secrets are created to keep from hurting someone. When in fact, all it does is hurt the very ones your were try...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 20:34:00 GMT

In Deep Thought.....

I know I haven't been writing much lately.  My life has left me in a spiral of deep thoughts, emotions...... all those fun little life treasures that you're not sure what to do with and no one wi...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 08:57:00 GMT

Autumn Magic!

While sitting outside watching all the leaves float to the ground, I realized  it's now touchable. We spend months looking at them, admiring their beauty. We can't reach them or touch them. Then one...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 18:54:00 GMT

What Trees?

If you watch something long enough, it comes alive. If you think about something often enough, it becomes you. If you close your eyes&&it never happens. It takes courage and strength to open your eyes...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 18:35:00 GMT


Life starts to speed up, going faster and faster and before you know it, another month has past or even a year.  We say 'I never have enough time to do everything' or 'the years are slipping by'....
Posted by on Mon, 21 May 2007 19:19:00 GMT

~Lighten the Load~

  If it's not yours, don't take it! Is that one familiar to you? It is to me. I've even used it quite often myself. That simple little statement doesn't just mean material things. It is good adv...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:59:00 GMT


We seem to enter different stages in life. Swirling from one to another, like a funnel leading us from one level to the next. A doorway opens revealing a new world, but only when it's time and when we...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:53:00 GMT

~Ours For The Asking~

I have learned that sitting and waiting will leave you sitting for a very long time. Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, most of us just 'wish' and wonder why this is happening or not happenin...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:33:00 GMT


Jesus would repeatedly say to me, "Look into your heart with the eyes of a child. The truth in wisdom is housed there and only when you go inside will you find the answers as well as your true self....
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:24:00 GMT