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About Me

Thiz A Brief bio about AJ. Well His Name Iz AJ aka ChEck He 15 Lives in North Philly goes to school & loves it so if you hate SchoOl He hate you LoL... but He started /rapping at the age of 8 and from there He kNew He Couldnt stop I guess itz because He Love Music ...Thatz His-life.....at the age of 10 He recorded Hiz first song called "BHS" and that was when He was blessed with the name Check..... At The age of 13 He performed his very own show at hiz party and thatz when He realized that/rapping was 4 him... that it was his life. in 2008 late june aj have came out with his very first Mix tape called ChEcK~PoInT/it sold ovr 300 copys well what you Xpect from a person with a local buzz LoL//Now aj is working on His Official Album Youn~Rich~&~Flashy Thats Droppin On Real Soon... So Look Out for That ....... I LOVE ALL MY FANZ KEEP Showing That Love and Support to Me and my Page and it Will Get Returned........PEACE I Love Yal
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/03/2007
Band Members: SOLO~aj~ Dream~Team
Influences: T.I and NAS
Record Label: I'm Unsigned,Labels!!!
Type of Label: Major

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