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About Me

More cool stuff at!My name is N-e-s-l-i. im a FrEsHmAn @ aSu. i luV: DanCiNg, ScaRy MovIes, ShOppIng, SpiCy AlfRedO... anD thE cAsInO! i HAtE: GosSiP, DrAma, GuyZ iN gEneRaL! * i CouLdn'T sUrvIvE w/OUt mY FrIeNdz* * I'm nOt a FuCk Up, I juSt CaN't LeaRn UnlEsS i MaKe MistAkeS* *i CaN bE thE nIceSt perSoN yOu'LL eVeR meEt, oR i CaN bE tHE BitcHieSt ... uR chOicE* ~ *TrUsT fAtE... it'LL caTcH uP tO yOu eveNtuaLLy* **Go aLL ouT!!... YoU onLy LivE ONCE** .... i'M oUtGoinG, LouD, aNd SumTimeS a LittLe tOO muCh FuN... sO deaL wIth iT :) -___________________________---------------***tHatS LiFE****---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ My frIendS aRe thE tYpe thAt iF the hOusE burNed dOwn, tHey woUld bE mAkiN sMorEs aNd fLirtiN w/ tHe FiReMen ;)

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My Interests

ChiLLin w/ FrIenDs, fLirTin w/ tHe BoYz, & aBovE aLL... HaViN FUN!!

Take the quiz:
What Kinda Kiss R U?

Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

BaSicaLLy, -------------------------------------------A guY thAt doeSn'T eXisT----------------------------------------
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:

Name: Neslihan Laila Kalpak
Date of Birth: June 13th, 1988
Birthplace: Alexandria, Virginia
Current Location: Lakeville
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'7
Heritage: half Turkish half Norwegian
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: none... yet
Band/Singer: mmm... T.I. prolly
Song: right now it's probably Taylor Swift- Our Song
Movie: 40 Year Old VIrgin
Disney Movie: Pirates of the Carribbean!
TV show: Desperate Housewives
Color: mmm.... bluish- green
Food: PASTA!
Pizza topping: greEn Peppers
Ice-Cream Flavor: OreO
Drink (alcoholic): so many!!! haha i would sAy X-raTed
Soda: MounTain dew
Store: KohLs
Clothing Brand: dunnoo....
Shoe Brand: ??? again... dunno
Season: SummEr in Mn, FaLL in Az :)
Month: JunE of couRse
Holiday/Festival: x-Mas
Flower: yeLLow roseS
Make-Up Item: MaC eyeshadow
Board game: mOnoPoly
This or That
Sunny or rainy: SunnY
Chocolate or vanilla: ChocoLate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: hmmm... SweeT
Love or money: That'S a hard one :)..... LoVe
Phone or in person: PerSon
Looks or personality: MorE perSonaLity buT ya goTTa haVe looKs
Coffee or tea: TeA
Hot or cold: Hot
Goal for this year: fiNd a nIce boY, paY off my C.c's, anD lOse a few lol
Most missed memory: ArizOna, anD the Car riDe to thA amTrak thAt gHettO sNowy niGht lol
Best physical feature: smiLe
First thought waking up: 5 moRe minutes
Hypothetical personality disorder: uhh..... i don'T fuckin kno, you teLL me
Preferred type of plastic surgery: HaiR reMoval lol
Sesame street alter ego: Elmo?
Fairytale alter ego: uHhh.... CindErella?
Most stupid remark: oh god.... lol ummmmm i dunno but i'm sure theres a lot
Worst crime: misdemeanor theft
Greatest ambition: become a neurosurgeon
Greatest fear: spiDers and being aLone
Darkest secret: iF i told yoU theN it wouldn't BE a secret
Favorite subject: mAth and Psychology
Strangest received gift: hahaha a coNdom
Worst habit: smoking
Do You:
Smoke: duh
Drink: stupid question
Curse: are we serious?
Shower daily: yup
Like thunderstorms: oh yeah
Dance in the rain: maybe not dance but i'll play in the rain ;)
Sing: of course
Play an instrument: piano and guitar
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Wish on stars: if they fall
Believe in fate: hopefuLLy
Believe in love at first sight: i'LL let U know
Can You:
Drive: like a speed demon!
Sew: a little?
Cook: pasta salads and boxed dinners!
Speak another language: a little turkish and a decent amount of SpaniSh
Dance: I'd liKe to thiNk sO haha
Sing: choir for all of school.... that means yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: nope
Whistle: if ur cute lol
Curl your tongue: mhmmmm
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: NOOOOOOO.... NEVER!!!! : )
Been Stoned/High: cMon noW... i LivE in LakeviLLe
Eaten Sushi: i lOve sushi
Been in Love: a CoupLe times
Skipped school: who haSn't?
Made prank calls: wheN i was like 8
Sent someone a love letter: again... when i was like 8 lol
Stolen something: yea
Cried yourself to sleep: oh yea... a few times
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? chewing with ur mouth open, being conceited, and thinking ur always right
Are you right or left handed? left handed... thats right biTches... i'M dyin befoRe all u fuCkers
What is your bedtime? mmm... like 1
Name three things you can't live without: cellPhone, cLothes, and FrienDs
What is the color of your room? whiTe.
Do you have any siblings? hell No!
Do you have any pets? RomeO... the smArtest birdy around!
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? iF i didn't get caught!
What is you middle name? Laila
What are you nicknames? CrunCh, Hershey, nEs, nAsty (lol), Quik, and everything else having to do with the choColate
Are you for or against gay marriage? i Don't reaLLy care
What are your thoughts ..ion? dePends on thE situation
Do you have a crush on anyone? haha yea
Are you afraid of the dark? kinda
How do you want to die? in my sleep or for a good cause
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? uhhh... i dunno 3?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yea
What is the last law you’ve broken? and got caught?
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green
Height 5'11
Weight 165
Most important physical feature: their face
Biggest turn-off thinking they're the sHit
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I lIkE most eVeryThing... RaP, HiP Hop, RoCk, ClassIc RoCk BUT i HaTe country with a PASSION.Oh....aNd u CaN't FoRgEt tHe TECHNO! lol GottA LuV iT!


i LOVE horror movies... those are my favs. umm everything else i like too.. sum of my favorites are pirates of the carribbean, how high, the new guy, finding nemo, dawn of the dead, texas chainsaw, halloween h2o, and home alone 2... its so goddamn funny!


hmmm... WELL we got some SouTh ParK, FamiLy gUy, bRotHerS & sIsTerS, DesPerAte HouSEwiveS, and UgLy beTTy!


ANYTHING by vince flynn, stephen king, john sandford, and harlan coben.


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