Wash Away my Fears profile picture

Wash Away my Fears

About Me

Wash Away my Fears is a new project created by Habok, DIXI Aeternum Vale's guitar and 4u2die's vocals. He used to be the manager of all creative matters for this bands so he had to leave the stage for a lil' time but he's now here reloaded and desirous of new creations; hope all you people can enjoy of this kind of sound without drums, freak method but created with heart. (All songs noise are played by Habok, hope you can enjoy it and sorry about the quality, it's an indie production recorded without console... you just need your guitar and your heart 2 express yourself, I mean [Habok Fears])...

My Interests


Member Since: 10/03/2007
Band Members: All the noise in this project is courtesy from Habok, the dark shadow behind your pink desires...

Influences: Nirvana, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Amorphis, All that remains, As I Lay Dying, Doro, Trivium, Slayer, Moonspell, Bullet for my Valentine, Funeral for a Friend, The Birthday Massacre, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Dimension Zero, Hiram, Lacuna Coil...My guitar master, Mike and his master Jair

Sounds Like: A lil' goth, a lil' rock, a lil' alternative... strange mixes, you must judge...
Record Label: DIXI Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Like a Movie... Specially dedicated 2 Ingrid

Como una movie...     La vida es como una película... llena de secuencias y libretos que no se siguen al pié de la letra, todo un haber de improvisaciones y relatos que suelen quedar inconcl...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 19:34:00 GMT