all kinds of stuff...
These days, I spend a lot of time with my family, best friends, and studly boyfriend. Also, I've been doing some remodeling work at my mom's house, and it's been a fun project! I'm in love with nature and the outdoors, so of course i'm into things like waterfalls, hiking, stars and sunsets, fishing, bonfires, lakes, the woods, the beach, and snorkeling. I haven't traveled a lot, but I love seeing new places, and someday I would like to see a lot more. I swear I'll be fluent in Spanish someday so it wil make my travels easier! I enjoy games like loaded questions, scattergories, balderdash, nintendo, guitar hero, etc. I'm a shopaholic, but somehow I manage not to spend a lot of money (cuz I dont have it). WING NITES are one of my favorite things, and if they weren't so bad for me, I would prob. eat wings every day of the week. I've sort of turned into a healthnut and drink tons of hazelnut coffee and tea (esp. blueberry and chai mmm), and I believe in antioxidants and working out as they best therapy to resist aging, cancer, and disease of all kinds. Denise Austin's bootcamp workout video is one of my favorite ways to make it through stressful situations, and I also love running on nature trails. I like being creative, and I express my creativity through scrapbooking and knitting... so I love pictures and scarves. Also, I love reading... A LOT. Most of all, enjoying life
is my best interest!
I've already met a lot of special people :)
What I listen to depends on how I feel and what Im doing at the time. But my favorite is COUNTRY! I love me some shania haha. I also love rock, anything by Mariah Carey, cute songs, justin timberlake, nelly furtado, ghettofab gangsta rap when I'm getting ready to go out, and oldschool classics are fun too
Cause these are the days worth living
These are the years we're given
And these are the moments
These are the times
Let's make the best out of our lives...
-The Calling
But the struggles make me stronger,
And the changes make me wise.
And happiness has it's own way of takin' it's sweet time.
Life ain't always beautiful,
but it's a b e a u t i f u l r i d e
So I’ve been catching up a lot on my movie watching! My favorites are comedies and horror movies, but of course I love chick flicks too. some favorites include Life as a House, Lorenzo's Oil, What Women Want, Saw I,II,III, and IV, and yeaa, the list goes on...
I don't watch a lot of tv (you really think i have time for that?)... but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Grey's Anatomy! Besides that, I enjoy gilmore girls, the news, hgtv, and Unsolved mysteries, even tho i dont think it's on the air anymore
Too often the thing you want the most is the thing you can't have. Desire leaves us heart-broken. It wears us out. Desire can wreck your life. But as tough as wanting something can be, the people who suffer the most are those who don't know what they want. - grey's anatomy
I know this much is true, Black and blue, Tuesdays with morrie, For just one more day, anything from "the cat who" mystery series, metamorphosis, I know why the caged bird sings, six months to live,Starting your best life now, the complete pocket positves, etc. etc. etc. I'm just glad I won't have to read textbooks anymore!!!
MY GRANDFATHER... one of the most amazing people I have ever known that has shaped me to be the person I am today