FMPM profile picture


About Me

An annual progressive rock festival taking place in Montreal, the FMPM 2007 line-up includes the Strawbs, IQ, Samla Mammas Manna, Miriodor, Nathan Mahl, VEBB, and Hamadryad.
The event takes place September 15-16 2007 at the Centre Pierre Péladeau (300 Maisonneuve) in Montreal.
Our official web-site
Un festival des musiques progressives qui prend place à Montréal. Nos artistes pour l'édition 2007 inclus les Strawbs, IQ, Samla Mammas Manna, Miriodor, Nathan Mahl, VEBB, et Hamadryad.
Le festival prend place le 15 et 16 de Septembre au Centre Pierre Péladeau (300 Maisonneuve) à Montréal.
Notre site web

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Check out our PHOTOS from last year's event!We also have an audio clip of one of our performing bands (that I'll try to remember to rotate).Currently: VEBB - Kondy Donky

My Blog

Tickets now on sale!

Tickets are now on sale for the second edition of the FMPM. You can buy them by going to the ProgQuebec web-site at or by going to once they get it w...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 14:03:00 GMT