Escapism. Anything to detach me from reality is fine by me. Although its always nice to have it as an option (reality that is).
A God. any one would do... I got a couple of questiions for them!... .. .. by the way this picture was introduced to me by the two bestest, sexiest women in the whole entire world! -Gem and Raych chek em out in me friends! (oh raych is the kinda red picture!)
Cat Stevens! ;D and um... uh... OH! Ray Parker Jr: ghostbusters, the greatest tune ever written by anyone ever! Everclear, Blur, bit o Don Mclean, U2, Dr.Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, King Crimson, Bright Eyes, bit o Aerosmith, G'n'R, Pink Floyd and loads of stuff that i cant think of right now
Pulp Fiction! The muppet movie, (don't knock it till you've tried it!) Crash test dummies, Ususal Suspects, Adaptation, Leon and Monty Python's life of Brian or Holy Grail.
mindless american humour works good for me! South Park/Simpsons/Family Guy/Scrubs, y'know the usual.Oh, and Top Gear. Thou shat not blaspheme against the almighty Clarkson. Even if he is a bit of a knob.
"Catch 22", "I, Lucifer", ummmmm... c'mon think! uh, does EVO magazine count? maybe i shouldnt admit to that actually, its a bit geeky, oh yeah and its not a BOOK! anyways anything EXCEPT Catcher in the Rye. I HATE THAT BOOK! please if anyone has a valid reason for liking it (who isn't american) then please tell me why!
superman, Batman, Spiderman, Oh God I'm so funny! I should be locked away! (note the sarcasm)