Literature of all kinds, Drumming, Good Music, Good Food, Having a laugh at parties and clubs and finding the most wierdly named Beer available... . I'm an ale man myself, had an unfortunate encounter with a bottle of vodka in freshers week and since then i'm unable to to touch the stuff. I love whiskey and boo.
JK Rowling to ask her why the hell i can't get into any of her books.
Led Zeppelin, The WHO, Doors, Deep Purple, Cream, Sabbath, Rolling Stones, Black Keys, Kings of Leon, Strokes, Wolf Mother, Ground Hogs, DeaD Kennedys, The Ramones, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, New York DOlls, Stealy Dan,IggY Pop and The Stooges, MC5, Wish Bone Ash,Mountain, Rory Gallagher, Jonny Winter, The Thrills, The Yard BIrds, THe KInks, Robert Plant,Kate BUsh, The Black Keys, Sonic YOuth, The Buzzcocks, Cream, The Datsuns, The Electric Prunes, The SMiths, Morrisey, The Jam, Paul WElla, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, Pulp, Steppenwolf, T-Rex,
"Easy Rider"- any film with Tom Hanks in it, preferably with MEg Ryan in it. Any film with AUdrey Tatou (the longest day- THE FITTEST WOMAN ALIVE) I like both Soppy romance and high octance action thriller in equal measures :P
Sharpe, Sherlock Holmes, Columbo, Poirot, Iron Side, Scrubs, Neighbours
Dantes Inferno. Miltons Paradise Lost, Bird without Wings Lois De Bernieres and Corelli's Mandolin, Franz Kafka- The Trial, The Boris Akunin Series (The WInteR Queen), Stoker's Dracula, Angela Carter Wise CHildren and The BLoody CHamber, anthing by Donne, J.D Salinger- Catcher in the Rye, Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, Stendhal- THe Red And the Black, Pat Barker- Regeneration, The Good SOldier- Ford Madox Ford (so good they named him twice), Erich Maria Remarque- All Quiet on the Western Front, All Chaucer, SHAKESPEARE!!!! BernarD Cornwell- THe sharpe series and his Holy Grail Series, Tom Clancy- The original Rainbow Six, Joeseph COnraD- Heart of Darkness.............................the list goes on forever.
Mom and Dad, sister, Jim, John Bonham, Mitch Mitchel, Billy Cobham, Keith Moon AND Donald Fagan.