IM BEC. IM NOW 18 (28.3.91 woo)
im from the sydney/wollongong area
Mel Creagan and myself have started a band MAD POLLY, thats thee name, add us at myspace.com/madpollymusic
i like playing guitar, singing, surfing, beaching it etc etc...i play the Cole Clark Fat Lady 2AC!!! (my prize possession)and a Chameleon Epiphone Les Paul electric guitar :) my 12 string
and i have quite a few other crappy guitars lying around my room!
Other than being a guitar geezer i like long strolls on the beach, i love sleeping, eating, hanging at the beach with mates...
*if u need a guitarist just let us know yeah?? *
email: [email protected]
myspace: is this one
or if ur my friend add me @
myspace.com/lilrockerbecMySpace Cursors