playing guitar making guitars going to the beach travaling painting going to eat new places music in general reading things about U.F.O and the opinions on them about how there not real its an interesting conversation i like wierd conversations they're great as long as i dont have to start them sci fi chesseball movies any thing with bruce campbell in it
i dont know i'll tell you later maybe some crazy freaks or any one ha
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Dir EN Grey The Cure L'Arc~en~ciel Radiohead MY Chemical Romance R.E.M NOFX The Ramones Coheed and Cambria Snow Patrol Muse Green Day The Offspring The Egales The Beach Boys A Static lalluby Akira Yamaoka Cheap Trick Matallica Nin Inch Nails Tom Waits Randy Newman The Ataries Three Doors Down Nirvana The Mars Volta At The Drive In Aerosmith Mana Jaguares Janes Jumbo Heros del Seilencio King Chango The Bravery The Killers Howie Day Moe The Greatfull Dead Phish Government Mule Akira Sudo Punchklock Variable B.B King Jonny Lee Hooker Primus Bucket head Eric Johnson Eric Clapton the seatbelts
Godzilla The Evil Dead Army Of Darkness Event Horizon Bruce All mighty The Cure trilogy The stargate The green mile Star Wars Ghost in The shell Sleepyhollow 2001
cowboy bebop Gasarakie Samuri 7 Full Metal Alchemist Gundam teknoman Robotech a whole lot more anime The X-files Futurama scrubs The Simpsons titus Battlestar galactica that 70's show law and order the twilight zone (the original) band of brothers
Make love the bruce campbell way the complete works of edgar allen poe Mcbeth death to a salesman of mice and men to kill a mohcingbird and guitar for dumbies
I dont know really how i would concider a hero