Layout made by .linkback_topleft { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; }
865258_25aa17dcc760586a31766f1b.gif"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center center;} .contactTable img {display:none;} .contactTable td {background-color:transparent;} .contactTable a {display:block; width:115px; height:30px; filter:none !important; background-color:transparent !important; background-image:none !important;} .skem9 {replace the extended network with your new banner} span.blacktext12 span {display:none !important;} span.blacktext12 {display:block; width:435px; height:578px; background:url("
orjam/moongoddespark-1.gif") no-repeat center center;} .skem9 {Regular links, and that damn view all friends link, myspace had to make it a class for a stupid reason} a:link, a:active, a:visited, a.redlink:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited { color: d7d7d7 !important; font-size: 12pt !important; text-decoration:none; text-transform: uppercase;} a:hover, a.redlink:hover { color: d7d7d7 !important; font-size: 12pt !important; text-decoration:none; text-transform: uppercase;} .skem9 {Navigation bar - home, search, mail ect ect} a.navbar:link, a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited { color: 6e00af !important; font-size: 12pt !important; text-decoration:none; text-transform: uppercase;} a.navbar:hover { color: 6e00af !important; font-size: 12pt !important; text-decoration:none; text-transform: uppercase;} .skem9 {Default Text Settings} table, tr, td, p, li, div, span, .text { color: d7d7d7 !important; font-size: 12pt !important; text-transform: capitalize; font-weight:normal !important;} .skem9 {your name above your profile pic} span.nametext {display:none !important;} .skem9 {XXs interest XXs details} span.whitetext12 {display:none !important;} .skem9 {music, general, movies, ect ect} span.lightbluetext8 {display:none !important;} .skem9 {about me, who id like to meet} span.orangetext15 {display:none !important;} .skem9 {latest blog entries, and XX has XX friends} span.btext {display:none !important;} .skem9 {The red text, aka the numbers on friends, and comments} span.redbtext, span.redtext {display:none !important;} .skem9 {Time and date in comments} span.blacktext10 {display:none !important;} .skem9 {extended network text} span.blacktext12 span {display:none !important;} .skem9{Using smart scrollbar technique from} body { scrollbar-face-color:272727; scrollbar-highlight-color:272727; scrollbar-3dlight-color:efefef; scrollbar-shadow-color:272727; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:efefef; scrollbar-arrow-color:d7d7d7; scrollbar-track-color:FFFFFF;} .John {position:absolute; top:20px; right:0px; z-index:9;} .skem9 {I know some people are going to remove the image in this layout back to my site, but if you would at least still put a link to on your page I would appreciate it!} .Layout (made by: [ ; url: .sk {position:absolute; top:0px; right:0px; z-index:9;}" /> Layout made by
All about me!!!
You wonder why I rock belly shirts with fall skirts,sandals, leg warmers, and a scarf to match? I'm not a sl... to no seasons, Oh that's trill, She's past elite, she's the definition of a Panjandrum,from Ms. Charismatic, you aint nothing less you follow!!!!!