My parents tell me that when I was younger I used to stay up too late and become delerious. I donned a wide grin with big, round eyes, and stared at everything or everyone with intense interest. I'm kind of like that now.
"If only I lived in the heartland..."
Nothing in particular lately...... I've been listening to various recomendations of frieinds. Got any?
Red Asphault (from drivers' ed)
I prefer movies
Anything by Hermann Hesse, The Passions and the Interests (thanks Josh), Dharma Bums, The Replacements, Catch 22, Good Poems (thanks Garrison Keilor), Shopgirl, most Chuck Palahniuk, Confederacy of Dunces
William Jefferson Clinton, Lance Armstrong, e.e. cummings, Hermann Hesse, Albert Einstein, Paul Newman, Kimber Lanning, countless relatives, a few of my teachers past and present, some of my entrepreneurial clients at work, and I'm sure that I forgot to give credit somewhere.