below is a list of some famous poeple from jacmel.Magloire Ambroisse-(1775-1807)-hero of the haitian independance. he help simon Bolivar in his fight to liberate latin american countries against spaniard rule.Alcius Charmant-(1856-1936)-journalist, lawyer, patriot, and mayor of jacmel.Alcibiade Pommayrac-(1844-1908)-lawyer, poet, mayor of jacmel.Roussan Camille-(1921-1961)-writer.Rene Depestre-(1926-) poet, writer.Dessaix-Baptiste-(Musician), compose in the 1930's the song "fiere haiti'.
-Jacmel is also well-known for it's carnival, actually they have two carnivals, the first one on the week before the carnival, it's called "Carnaval national" (national carnival) and the second one is mostly for locals, it is held at the same time in the rest of the country.Carnival PicsdjsdkndskasadadtpArt