Nanopus profile picture


About Me

Nanopus is an experimental project that has been on the back-burner for too long. Soon, however, the planets will align and we’ll all go to the beach & get some oceanic inspiration. Then, we’ll actually record some material. Until then feel free to slander us or send us free shit (i’m talking to YOU instrument industry!!!).

My Interests


Member Since: 09/03/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: < (Duke) D. "Dubbling" W. :: drums, turntables ;; (Right Hon.) "Rotten" Johnny C. :: bass, synths, effects, production ;;(Sheriff) Buck "Buckmaster" L. :: dub guitar, beard ;;(Master Jedi) "Mad" Mat :: drums, robots >
Influences: Outerspace, Old National Geographics, Les Paul, Elegua, Minoan Art, Bob Moog.
Sounds Like: your iPod underwater
Record Label: Screwface Rico Records
Type of Label: Indie

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