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H. S. biker

About Me

WE ARE CURRENTLY PLANNING OUR 2009 CALENDAR---IF YOU WOULD LIKE US AT YOUR CHURCH OR EVENT PLEASE CONTACT me : Robert Happoldt , President Enterprise Al. chapter Heaven's Saints MM email: [email protected] or this site or www.ourchurch.com/member/a/A_Healing_RideI am the President of the Enterprise Al. chapter of Heaven's Saints motorcycle Ministry, Please check our our Chapters website at http://ourchurch.com/member/a/A_Healing_Ridehttp://heavenssa ints.ning.com/profile/HSBiker******************************* **************************** ***********************************************************T hey used to call me Roger Rabbit. I was a drug addict and a main player in the meth trade in Coffee County Alabama. Everything I did, I did for me. No one else mattered. It was my way or the highway. Satan had his hooks in me, and no matter what I wanted; drugs, money, or selfish pleasures, I got. Even hate was part of my world. My wife and I lived in Hell during these 12 years of lawlessness. I was above man’s law. I was above God’s law. I feared no one. I was a biker with a big gun and lots of dope. I had the world by the tail. Satan and I were partners, and he was the boss. Jesus wasn’t even a figment of my imagination. He didn’t live in my county and certainly not in my life. In June of 2000, however, my world came tumbling down. The 12th Judicial Drug Task Force busted me on drug trafficking charges. My leader/partner in crime dumped me like a hot potato and left me holding the bag. Where was he when they carted me off to jail and set a $50,000 bond on me? Hell I presume because he certainly wasn’t standing beside me. I had, however, learned a lot from him; tricks of the trade you might say. One of them was how to lie; so before long, I was free again on a small bond, and guess who was waiting outside the jail house? That’s right, my old Buddy, Satan. And before I knew it, I was doing, making, and selling all the dope I could. Satan and I were partners again. But before long, I was back in jail. No longer any use to Satan, he was gone again. This time my lies wouldn’t work, and I was sentenced to ten years in the Alabama State Penitentiary. Before I could be transported to prison, a bunch of preachers came by and laid some heavy Jesus stuff on me about how He could set me free. I wasn’t interested nor did I want anything at all to do with Jesus. But one night an unusual preacher came to my cell and said, “God is tired of knocking on your door and you not answering Him.” These words scared the Hell out of me. Soon after, I was in a stinking, filthy prison reading my Bible. I got to thinking about all the bad things I had done in my life, all the people I had hurt, and all the families I had destroyed with the drugs I had sold. I knew I was in big trouble with God, and if I went to Hell, Satan would be my tormentor instead of my deliverer. As I sat in my cell of that stinking, filthy prison, I began to make the acquaintance of a man who wanted to become my Heavenly Father, if I’d let him. He wanted to also become my Deliverer from this sinful life that had brought me and my wife nothing but pain and heartache. I read in 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. In other words, Jesus was willing to forgive me and give me a fresh new start. That was the best deal I’d ever heard of, so I took Him up on it. I got down on my knees on the floor of that dirty, stinking prison and asked the Forgiver to become my Deliverer. Instantly, a peace greater than any high I had ever had came over me. For the first time in my life I knew what true freedom really was. For once I was free I still had 3 years to go on my 10 year sentence, but I needed those years to solidify the relationship I knew I must have with Jesus if I was to make it on the outside. I was released in October of 2004 and am now riding with Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Ministry. Our ministry focus is youth and prison ministry. Every week or so I’m back in prison where I spent three years of a ten year sentence. This time not as a prisoner but as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead of showing inmates how to sin, I show them how to have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus has blessed me in so many ways, a wonderful wife of 15 years who stuck it out, great friends, and best of all, a new life. He’ll do the same for you if you’ll let him. His grace, love, and mercy are sufficient to forgive even you no matter what you’ve done in the past. Nobody calls me Roger Rabbit anymore because the old man Roger Rabbit died the night Jesus came to prison.***************************************************** ************************************************************ *****A MARRIAGE MADE IN HELL Alicia HappoldtMy name is Alicia Happoldt; I am the wife of Robert Happoldt, who used to be a notorious drug dealer known as “Roger Rabbit.” I hope you will see, through this written word, that God can not only heal and deliver you from your problems, but he can also mend marriages and broken families. I was molested at the early age of four and two other men would have their way with me before I reached the age of seventeen. One of these men not only molested me but he introduced me to drugs and alcohol at the young age of thirteen. I did manage to graduate high school but not without being kicked out of school several times for drugs and alcohol abuse. Drugs and alcohol would control my life for the next thirty years. I eventually found a man who would have me so we got married and had two beautiful daughters. But, because of drugs, Satan wrecked this marriage and I lost it all, even custody of my girls. Shortly afterwards, I met Roger Rabbit and it wasn’t long till we were married. It was, however, A MARRIAGE MADE IN HELL We only stayed together for two reasons, drugs and making money. Wife abuse was part of Roger Rabbit’s daily agenda for my life and I endured it for twelve years. I tried to get my husband to go away and leave me alone, but he wouldn’t. And each time I got the courage to leave him, he would find me and drag me back home. Our relationship was spooky. We even joked that the only way we could ever leave one another for good was if one of us was 6 feet under. But I knew in my heart that that was not a joke and I feared for my life for most of the twelve years. Just when I thought my life couldn’t get any worse I was wrong, we discovered METH. Satan already controlled us, but with Meth his power over us was inconceivable. Nothing was sacred to us anymore, everything was evil. But at the time we both thought we were having the time of our lives. But God had a plan “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11) . He used the 12th Judicial Drug Task Force to set His plan for our lives in motion. They busted both of us for drug trafficking. However it wasn’t long till we made bail and we were back on the streets living on and making our living from Meth. But that was short-lived and before you know it we had broken bond and were back in the slammer waiting to go to prison for a ten year sentence. We would not be eligible for parole for three years. God began dealing with me on my very first night in jail, and on March 9, 2002 I woke up and decided that I was through letting the devil control my life. I bowed my head, raised my arms and told the Lord I was done. I told Him I’d had enough of doing it my way and that He could have all that was left of me. I was His, to do with me as He pleased. I have lived for Him ever since I’ll admit there have been some rough roads, but, Jesus said serving Him would not be easy, but it would be worth it. Prison particularly wasn’t easy but He carried me thru it. Jesus totally delivered me from drugs and alcohol. He kept me from committing suicide and healed my marriage. I am now closer to my daughters and my parents than I have ever been. Oh, by the way, God saved my husband, too And now, the marriage that was made in Hell is a marriage made in Heaven We both ride with Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Ministry and give our testimonies in jails, churches, and anywhere else we’re asked to. The Lord has blessed me with everything the devil has stolen and we no longer depend on Satan’s temporal pleasures to see us through each day. We now rely on Jesus for everything. With Jesus, life is wonderful and I can’t imagine living a day without Him in it. I have forgiven the three men who molested me and God has healed me from the hurt and shame of those experiences. Yes I’ve been tempted by drugs since I was released from prison, but there is no way I would disappoint my Lord or my family by giving in to them again. I am thankful for my victories over these temptations because it confirms in my heart that I am totally set free. It also confirms in my heart that my Lord Jesus Christ can and will see me through everything. I’ve been drug free since 2002 and Christ is now the essence of my being *********************************************************** *********************************************************** At one time, Robert and Alicia Happoldtrepresented a part of the motorcycling lifestyleknown as ‘outlaws.’ (Not OutLaws MC)Often depicted in the media, the outlaw bikers’aim is fear and control. Robert states, “BeforeI became a Christian I feared no one and wasparticularly disdainful of those proclaimingthemselves as Christians.”The Happoldt’s were headed down a one-way streetof destruction, but to talk to them now, one canonly see the light in their eyes as they givetestimony.Robert and Alicia now ride for Heaven’s Saints.Founded by former Hell’s AngelBarry Mayson, the Wiregrass area chapter isbased out of Enterprise.The Happoldt’s spend much of their time publiclyspeaking in prisons and helping those strugglingwith drug addiction.Alicia says, “My main belief is that the onlyOne who can really keep a person clean isJesus.”Her husband agrees and adds, “Going back to the prison is a reminder of where I’ve come from.” His near death experience from a car wreck wasinstrumental in helping him see the light.Sitting on his Yamaha 1600, his own patches beartestimony to his new direction.The sentiments include:“Destination heaven, can you handle thejourney?” and “Life is short, pray hard ”********************************************************* **The Couple Have Become Drug CounselorsRobert and Alicia Happoldt were seen severaltimes on News 4 in 2001 and 2002.During those years, Wiregrass authoritiesdescribed the Coffee County couple as mainplayers in the crystal methamphetamine trade.Each would eventually spend time in state prisonon drug manufacturing charges. After theirrelease, the Enterprise natives are once againin jail, but this time by choice.The couple have become drug counselors.They spoke this week to more than a dozen CoffeeCounty jail inmates enrolled in that facility'santi-drug program.The couple has started a local chapterof heaven-saint motorcycle ministry .If you are interested in us speaking to ananti-drug group or church Please contact us at [email protected]

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Christian Bikers

My Blog


  Thursday, July 10, 2008 Biker Sunday a Huge Success by Sharon D. McRoy Bikers from Alabama, Florida and Georgia rumbled their way to Alford Baptist Church on Sunday, June 29, and mi...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 12:55:00 GMT

Old Biker

One Sunday morning an old biker entered a church just before services were to begin.  Although the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore jeans, a denim shirt and boots that were ...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:33:00 GMT


Had a small wreck this morning and now I am looking for a radiator for a 1997 Valkyrie 1520 cc if anyone knows where I might pick up a used one Please contact me at [email protected] one was hur...
Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 14:30:00 GMT

Friends vs. Biker friends

  Friends vs. Biker Friends FRIENDS: Never ask for food BIKER FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food. FRIENDS: Will say "hello" BIKER FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss. FRIENDS: Cal...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 07:16:00 GMT

Hair Brush

HAIRBRUSH EXPERIENCE OF BETH MOORE AT THE AIRPORT  For those of you who do not know Beth Moore, she is an outstanding Bible teacher, writer of Bible studies, and is a married mother of two&n...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:57:00 GMT

Third Annual Biker Sunday

Third Annual BIKER SUNDAY Springhill Emmanuel Holiness Church HWY 167 north, between Enterprise Al. and Troy Al. Sponsored by Enterprise Chapter Heaven's Saints MM Date : May 25, 2008 Pastor Robert ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:44:00 GMT

Don’t Get To Attached

Don't Get Too Attached When I describe it, you'll be able to visualize it.  I'm certainly not the first person who has observed it.  But there is a lesson in it we both may have overlooked. ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 13:20:00 GMT


Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Alicia and I  will be going to Angola prison in Louisiana on May the 2 to minister in Angola Prison. but with the Gas prices so high a we need a little ...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 17:12:00 GMT

motorcycle for sale

Dear CFC, CMA, POG, and other friends and brothers,..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   I got a call early this morning from someone visiting the ..:namesp...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 17:19:00 GMT


MATTHEW CHAPTER 28 1     ¶ In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 2   ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:29:00 GMT