I would like to meet Miss, Ms, or the former Mrs. Right. Sorry playettes, I'm not here for the games. Please, realize that you've discovered something very different here ...not just BETTER ...just DIFFERENT. Those of you who can appreciate "OLE SCHOOL"...will recognize! Also, I am not interested in an unlimited list of friends. I hope to maintain a friendship with each of those I invite in. But, there's only so much time in a day. But, make no mistake, this is NOT a "MY"space competition ...never has been ...never will be.LOVE YOU MUCH, AL
DRAMAS:Mistic River,A Time To Kill,The Crucible...etc, ACTION-ADVENTURE:Die Hard 1-3,Batman Begins,True Lies,Troy,Gladiator...etc, SCI-FI:Star Wars 1-6,Star Trek 1-6,Next Generations,Aliens 1-4...etc, SUSPENSE:Sixth Sense,North By Northwest,...etc, HORROR:An Interview With The Vampire,Blade,...etc, COMEDY:Trading Places,Forrest Gump,National Lampoon's Vacation...etc
POLITICAL: C-SPAN,Hardball,Meet The Press...etc, DRAMA: "Original" Law and Order,NYPD Blue,...etc, INFOMATIONAL: Science,History,Discovery Channels..etc, COMEDY: MAD TV,Mind Of Mancia,"Old School" Sit-Coms,...etc, SPORTS: Football,Basketball.
The BIBLE,the occasional mag or paper while waiting for an appointment...and not much else.
JESUS and JOB. Why these? If you don't know...you better ask somebody!!