school, a good book, music, all kinds of great music... Mani pedis, cool drink on a warm beach (margaritas anyone??), Flirty smiles, nice calves, witty banter, working out, running, Starbucks (Ooooh, White Chocolate Mocha Latte), passionate kisses.........
A margarita I didn't like!!!! My Innerpeace...----------A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. --Fr. Jerome Cummings -----------------We seek the comfort of another. Someone to share the life we choose. Someone to help us through the never-ending attempt to understand ourselves. And in the end, someone to comfort us along the way.
Jack Johnson, Joaquin Sabina, Robert Earl Keen, Norah Jones, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, BB King, Garth Brooks, George Strait (if my heart's broken, he's playing), Outkast, Black Eyed Peas, Jaguares, La Mosca Tse Tse, Mana, Missy Elliot, the Supremes.
Forrest Gump, Pretty woman ("I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda gal"), Vanilla sky, Fight Club, Meet the Parents ("I pass on grass - all the time"), Gypsy (love it!!!), Last Samurai, Troy, Shawshank Redemption, Kung Fu Hustle, Snatch, Memento, The Royal Tenenbaums ("We'll swing by her grave too"), As Good as It Gets ("Did they teach you that in some sailor-wanna-hump-hump-bar in Cuba? Go sell crazy somewhere else, cause we're all stocked up here.").
Family Guy("I figured I'd say it jokingly at first, so as to gauge your reaction."), Third Rock from the sun("Weird as in sexy??"), Will and Grace ("you're my new best friend call me every five minutes"), Seinfeld, Sex and the City ("You have to worry about suction, teeth placement, jaw movement, all the while moaning and trying not to gag. Honey - they don't call it a Job for nothin'!!"), Frasier, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Law And Order, Law And Order SVU.
Les Miserables (all time fave, hands down), Memoirs of a Geisha, Sister Carrie
My momma, she's a down-ass you-know-what.... and my bro -- 'cause there's no one I know who has no job, no attainable goals, such a bad disposition, lazy as all hell and still gets gorgeous woman to clean up his mess, pay his bills, treat HIM to dinner, and still put up with his passive-aggressive and sometimes just plain queenBITCH verbal abuse..... now that's a pimp baby. Lay it down!!!!