BadFish profile picture


So oil up the ol' gears girl, there is plenty room to conquer

About Me

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? No Sugar Tonight in my coffee ? ? No Sugar Tonight in my tea ? ? No Sugar to stand beside me ? ? No Sugar to run with me ?[IMG] jpg[/IMG]

My Interests

Writing song and singing my songs. La la la! The more there is the better so I just keep on truckin'! I love my friends, meeting people, doing drugs in a relevant manner, being responsible and clean (TIDY!), my cat Rufus ^_^ Being naked, eating cheese...with some eggs. I'm a little random but I think I make sense and that's good enough for most people weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I'd like to meet:

The World.
Myspace Graphics by ProfileJuice.Com


The Beatles.


Love & Marriage, Love and Marriage....

My Blog

Bunny and Carrot strike again

CyreneGansbrough: I love you more than LOVE!Moonlyte Syren: ...Moonlyte Syren: wowMoonlyte Syren: that's deepMoonlyte Syren: instenseMoonlyte Syren: you're like a poetMoonlyte Syren: excuse meMoonlyte...
Posted by BadFish on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 08:04:00 PST

.43: done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Everyday.

I usually don't do this. But I was feeling a little wacky and thought I'd grab this little...quiz thingy here. Let's try it out. 1. smoked a cigarette? YES2. smoked a cigar ? Yes3. crashed a friend's ...
Posted by BadFish on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 12:33:00 PST

Bitter would've been my mood, but I couldn't find it...figures.

I don't know what to do guys...*sigh* Sometimes being the way that I've been being isn't healthy, and you wanna stop so bad. but theres something in your gut or your heart that is demanding (full thr...
Posted by BadFish on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 12:13:00 PST

:-/ I know what is right, but I want for him to stay

I'M SO TALL, can't get over me i'm so low, can't get under me I must be all these things for I just threw out the love of my dreams   He's in my eyes, he is in my ears He's in my blood, he is in ...
Posted by BadFish on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 06:13:00 PST

This is what I do whenI finished my list of crap to do...

STATISTICS.. name: Kayla Leighnicknames:  Cyrene, Veggie, Sugar Tits birthday: May 28, GEMINI!!!! glasses/contacts: None of the above please& braces: Once upon a time eye color: Blue (someti...
Posted by BadFish on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 05:08:00 PST

Poem of Today. ^_^

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face I yawned and I grinned and danced around the place I got an itchin' for a tune that I knew wouldn't play So I turned it up, and tuned it out and dan...
Posted by BadFish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST