Johnnie Hobbs,III profile picture

Johnnie Hobbs,III


About Me

A.N.S. #1 There are some of you who know me and some of you who don't. My name is Hobbs. I tried to do stand-up comedy when i was about 17 yrs old. but no one laughed so i quit. Besides being a complete retard I love discussing current events, life issues and underwater scuba-diving with wild boars. Over the years I have noticed that i look at things a little differently than most people my age do, or most people period for that matter. I get easily upset about small and or stupid things, And i tend to overanalyze situations and then put my own twist on it. I have a lot of stuff to say and it stays bottled up inside for fear that i may once again be rejected and looked upon as a bumbuling idiot. I can no longer worry about that. I MUST SPEAK MY PEACE!!!! For the past several months I have been trying to think of a way to express my emotion, concerns and personal experiences and opinions through my art without offending anyone. I have come to the conclusion that with my particular type of expression this will be impossible. Yes...yes I am a jerk. So instead of wasting my precious time with pursuing niceties I have come up with the perfect solution. Aggressive Negotiation Sessions. The title is a mouth full so we'll call it simply, A.N.S. A.N.S. allows me to rant and rave about current events,and personal life stories all while entertaining or offending you (depending on the type of person you are) I will put an A.N.S up once every week and a half or 2 weeks on my website coming soon. This A.N.S. myspace page is to let the audience members (that would be you) comment about what you've seen. Feel free to leave concerns and opinions. I'm totally open to how people view my work. Despite what you may think or what I may say I do care. Thank you and let the ride begin I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Talking about current events, and personal life stories so other dont go through the same stuff I went through, and stepping over that fine line between funny and offensive.

I'd like to meet:

More jerks.
Get your own MySpace Countdown now!


Garage band, porn music, classical, big band and old standards.






Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Charlie Chaplin, Mr. Bean, Monty Python, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, Joet Bishop, Robin Williams, Kat Williams, Johnnie Hobbs, Jr, Vince Vaughn

My Blog


go to may 8th , 2007 sunday the sessions will begin.hobbs
Posted by Johnnie Hobbs,III on Tue, 01 May 2007 12:19:00 PST


go to may 8th , 2007 sunday the sessions will begin.hobbs
Posted by Johnnie Hobbs,III on Tue, 01 May 2007 12:19:00 PST