Martial Arts, Movies, Music, Philosophy, Books on Martial Arts, Tournaments, UFC/TUF Competitions, etc...
Military, Electronics Geeks, martial artists, and staight up good people.I glimpse of who I be
*click on pic to read captions*
I listen to most genres of music,except country(some of it is OK).
*All Bruce Lee Movies* - *Kiss of the Dragon* - *The Usual Suspects* - *Matrix I, II & III* - *The Last Samurai* - Pretty much any action/adventure/suspense movie, and movies mixed with comedic attributes.
Im a movie buff, there is nothing on Television that is worth watching...unless it relates to Martial Arts.
Anything that has to do with Martial Arts and Asian Philosophy, ie: Confucias teachings, Karma, Buddahism, etc...Gotta Love It
My father, he is the most couragous man that has ever lived. 19+ yrs in the U.S.M.C. hoorahh!