Joolz profile picture


Horray for most things!

About Me


About Me Survey

1. Would you make a fool out of yourself in public if it meant you were making your partner laugh? Absolutely!
2. Would you prefer the lights on or off during sex? I like em' on baby.
3. Do you judge people solely by their musical preferences? Not entirely.
4. If you could 'take back' your virginity from your first partner, would you? No, it's his.
5. Would you ever start a relationship with someone who was still living with an ex for financial reasons? Nah.
6. Do you need to know everything about someone's past? No, I'm more interested in the here and now.
7. It is more worthwhile and satisfying to improve the world or appreciate the world? That's tough. I'd say to improve the world, but I find strength in appreciation as well.
8. Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life? Yes, I believe there's a purpose for everyone.
9. Do you believe that dreams can be messages from a "higher level"? Yes.
10. Would you rather have a great friend you could share everything with or a great lover you can't really talk to? A great friend. I can be my own great lover!
11. Is the male or female body the closest to perfection? The male body's awesome, but the female body personifies nature.
12. Should a child who's caught masturbating be punished? Sure! Traumatize that horney little bugger. JK.
13. Do you like kissing in public? If it happens it happens.
14. Do you have a fetish that you would like to employ in your next relationship? Yes. Men who put the toilet seat back down.
15. Did America really put a man on the moon? No, it was God and a rocketship. :)
16. Would you date someone significantly (9 years or over) older than you? Probably, if it was the right person.
17. Generally, in life, what makes you happy? Balance.
18. How well do you handle criticism? Either I really appreciate it or I'm really annoyed by it. Depends on what it is.
19. Would you like to date someone a lot purer than you? Better than a lot less pure I suppose.
20. When fooling around with someone, do you sometimes have sexual fantasies about other people? No, I generally like to think of who I'm fooling around with during that time.
21. Is it possible for full-figured women to be equally attractive as thinner women? Hell yes, if not more so.
22. You've just met someone incredible while out with friends, and (s)he's been kind enough to cough up a phone number. How long would you wait to call? I'd call when I felt like it.
23. Do you think the family of a murder victim should have any say in what punishment is given to the murderer? I think they should have the right to speak their minds.
24. Would you have a 'Happy Button' installed on your body, connected to your brain, which would instantly make you very happy whenever you pressed it? I believe I already have one of those, lol :)
25. Would you rather know everything about your mate, or be regularly surprised? Suprise is nice, but not in excess.
26. We are all human, do you judge someone for a past indiscretion? I really try not to.
27. What is sexiest on a woman or a man? Woman- her hips. Man-his back.
28. Would you rather have your dream job or your soul mate for the rest of your life? Soul mate.
29. Do you consider yourself sexually open minded? I'd say I'm an 8- Ten being really out there.
30. Should your mate also become your best friend? Yes.
31. Would you rather marry a virgin or someone experienced? I wouldn't marry a virgin--You gotta test drive the car before you buy it honey!
32. Have you ever had a true one-night stand? I really can't remember.
33. Have you ever posed as a nude model? I have actually.
34. Would you prefer if good things happened, or interesting things? Interesting things.
35. Is it better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all? Definitely. Everything goes at some point after all.

My Interests

Infinite possibilities, Romanticism, sushi, the paranormal, turquoise jewlery, steam showers, bonsai trees, Europe, vintage anything, Sharpies, smoking while driving, oil paint, sarcasm, shells, unique names, peaceful protest, yoga, girls in glasses, Elvis, beautiful tattoos, rhymes, sour candy, Shel Silverstein, having to control insatiable laughter, aromatherapy, singing, scratch-off tickets, Neil Simon plays, Altoids chewing gum, long eyelashes, toe-nail polish, typing fast, kissing, bangs, depressing documentaries, oversized jacuzzis, pistachios, strong coffee, Neo-Classical art, napping on the beach, Jasmine tea, foreign accents, brunettes, text messaging, the forest, cold rosewater, face paint, trains, cemeteries, French film, tree houses, dark chocolate fondue, playing piano by candlelight, cashmere, The Natural History Museum, dreams, matte-red lipstick, Existentialism, old photos, Sylvia Plath, pumpkin anything, Scrapbooks, decoupage, love notes, time-worn keys, early Native-American civilations, honeycombs, mangos, sandalwood soap, complex harmony, drinking from coconuts with a straw, Jersey Cotton sheets, James Dean, antique boxes, cinnamon toast, Audrey Hepburn, rainstorms, home-made boiled incense, Greek Mythology, cider-scented candles, parody, gossip magazines, my dog, girl bands, old tee-shirts, Super Nintendo, Bass fishing, order-in-dinner and movie nights, making lists, theraputic house-keeping, chapstick, rare books, hot-water bottles, my boyfriend, lychee nuts, kindred spirits & onomatopoeias.

I'd like to meet:

My guardian angel


Classic Rock, Rock, Classical, Old-School Hip Hop, Reggae, Bluegrass, Rap, R&B, Punk, Metal, Jazz, Folk, Opera, Swing, Big-Band, Barbershop, Blues, Electronic, Indie, Alternative, Oldies, Funk, Experimental, Choral, World, Gospel, Country,Ska, Funk, Salsa, Merengue, Mariachi, Ambient, I usually like my friends' bands though I'm biased, myself in the shower.


O Brother Where Art Thou, Dog Day Afternoon, Pulp Fiction, Breakfast at Tiffanys, The Jerk, The Odd Couple, Interview with a Vampire, True Romance, Superbad, Deathproof, The Professional, A Clockwork Orange, 300, Waking Life, Pan's Labrynth, Braveheart, Zoolander, The Usual Suspects, Requiem for a Dream, Chocolat, Anchorman, Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind, The Marx Brothers films, Napoleon Dynomite,The Big Lebowski, Romeo and Juliet, Lost in Translation, Billy Madison, Fight Club, The Notebook, March of the Penguins, Stripes, Kids, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Friday, Elf, Dark Victory, Ray, Big Fish, Boogie Nights, The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer, Almost Famous, Sister Act, Shine, Harry Potter, Girl Interrupted, Half Baked, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, 40 Year Old Virgin, Goodfellas, Field of Dreams, Blow, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Shakespeare in Love, Along came Polly, Little Women, I Heart Huckabees, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Eyes Wide Shut, Waking Ned Devine, The 5th Element, School of Rock, Hook, The Client, Full Metal Jacket, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, Stripes, The Shining, Newsies, Sin City, Terminator II, A League of their Own, 8 Mile, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Piano, Man on Fire, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Little Man Tate, The Sandlot, The Cure, Pretty Woman, The Hours, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Cyrano, Disney animated films, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, My Blue Heaven, Hotel Rwanda, My Father the Hero, Rosemary's Baby, Magnolia, Basketball Diaries, The Secret of Roan Innish, What About Bob?, Thirteen, Mr. Brooks, Southpark the Movie, so many more...


Arrested Development, Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Sopranos, Aquateen Hunger Force, Sex in the City, Southpark, Robot Chicken, Pinky and the Brain, Entourage, Six Feet Under, I Love Lucy, The Discovery Channel, Paula's Home Cooking, Man vs. Wild, The Colbert Report.


The Alchemist, The Kite Runner, God Makes the Rivers to Flow, Marley and Me, 100 Years of Solitude, The Chronicles of Narnia, Letters to a Young Poet, A Wrinkle in Time, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Like Water for Chocolate, 1984, The Power of Now


My Blog


Yo Deuds. Can you undretsnad waht I'm wrtiing? Studeis hvae rceetnly sohwn taht poeple reiqure olny the frist and lsat lerttes of a wrod in odrer to raed txet preftecly. Sepllnig has vrey lttile to do...
Posted by Joolz on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 09:56:00 PST

See me morph into Shalom Harlow!
Posted by Joolz on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 10:00:00 PST

Almost like being in love...

Posted by Joolz on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:21:00 PST

On Becoming Beauz Madre.

 Hello lovas!    Just wanted to share the latest development: A puppy named Beau Jackson!! Beau came to our home yesterday after an hour and a half of chasing his doggy-van to the shelt...
Posted by Joolz on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 10:12:00 PST


Today I've been sober for eight months and I am sooooo grateful. By the grace of God I choose not drink or drug again for the rest of my life which is a MIRACLE. Thank u so much for being there my fri...
Posted by Joolz on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:14:00 PST


 Today is my 117th day without drugs or alcohol, and there is so much to be grateful for. For a long time I have not been living my life; I've felt like my life has ...
Posted by Joolz on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 12:04:00 PST

Ovarian character

So, this week I found out I have a small cyst on my right ovary. My doctor told me these things are very common among women my age, yet I still can't help feeling like something's off. I just want it...
Posted by Joolz on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 04:44:00 PST

Inner artwork

You Are Best Described By...Under the Wave Off KanagawaBy Katsushika Hokusai What my heart would paint if it had fingers....
Posted by Joolz on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 07:49:00 PST