AzMiL profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Aku nie minat baca & kumpul komik. tak kisah la komik apa- apa pun janji jln citer best. Pernah accident byk kali time aku bawa motor & kereta & basikal. Suka amik gambar jadi aku ada kamera sendiri.Nama dier Faridah. suka jln-jln kat mana-mana pun.Yg paling penting aku nie jenis yang suka berkawan dan cara hidup aku lebih pentingkan kawan dari segalanya la.So I like friendship very much.--// //Circling text trail- Tim Tilton //Website: //Visit for this script and more // your message here var msg='azmil abdul rahman!'; var f.'Verdana,Arial'; var size=3; // up to seven var color='99CCFF'; // This is not the rotation speed, its the reaction speed, keep low! // Set this to 1 for just plain rotation w/out drag var speed=.3; // This is the rotation speed, set it negative if you want // it to spin clockwise var rotation=.2; // Alter no variables past here!, unless you are good //--------------------------------------------------- var ns=(document.layers); var ie=(document.all); var msg=msg.split(''); var n=msg.length; var a=size*30; var currStep=0; var ymouse=0; var xmouse=0; var scrll=0; var props=" "; if (ie) window.pageYOffset=0 // writes the message if (ns){ for (i=0; i
A Appreciative
Z Zippy
M Modern
I Important
L Lazy
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

My Interests

Bowling, games, comics, photography & camera [FE10, FM10, FM2, F3, F5, F50, F80, F90X, F100, D100]

I'd like to meet:

Aku nak jumpa sumer member aku time kat Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Bukit Kayu Hitam (1991-1995), SRK Bukit Gelugor (1995-1996), SMKA Al Mashoor (L) (1997- 1999), MRSM Balik Pulau (2000-2001), Program 4cast Ekspress UTM-MARA (2001-2002), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2002-200?) dan sapa-sapa yang nak kenal dengan aku leh add me kat alamat email nie [email protected].


rock, hip hop, r &b and anything except dangdut


Anime Movie


Angel, Charmed, Anime Movie, .


all kind of comics and all books that i can understand it.....

My Blog


ALHAMDULILLAH II (MALAY VERSION) Intro (Dian Sastro) Disaat waktu berhenti, kosong Dimensi membutakan mata, memekakkan telinga Lalu diri menjadi hampa Saat paradigma dunia tak lagi digunakan ...
Posted by AzMiL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST