J03Y profile picture


what I wouldnt give to have one more chance tonite

About Me

My name's Joey and I'm mostly laid back and stuff. I like listening to music, playing music, reading quotes, playing video games and watching porn. I go to the University of Miami and cheer for Top Gun All-Stars. I enjoy driving to places I've got no clue how to get to, letting children search for candy in my pockets, parking in handi-cap places just to watch handi-cap people make handi-cap faces, teasing the blind, beating up quadriplegics, pretending I do a lot to help, and always thinking I'm right.

Alright, now for the truth. I'm an undefeated 5 year Wrestler and 6A District Champ in the state of Florida for the 112 weight class. Kind of funny how I don't weigh that little anymore, lol. I'm currently training to fight in No Holds Barred tournaments. I train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. I'm studying to be a Plastic Surgeon and I do Body Piercings on the side.

: ElmOsiris

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone that's kewl. People with smiliar interests.

Who I Don't Want to Meet:
People who message me asking me to add them. Desperate people are ugly. If you own more than one chin. No thanks to the excessively heavy. I'm sorry, but I don't speak whale. I refuse to add you if your Myspace is obnoxious with Playboy Bunnies that blink & sparkle, 25 quizzes about which Laguna Beach character or Martini drink you happen to be. Do Not Friend Request Me if you have a picture of a Dragon Ball Z character. If you plan to have me hit by The Sexy Truck. I cheer, but i'm not queer. So, don't Message Me saying you want to suck me dry. I won't even respond to your message.

My Blog

Update on my Celica

What my car currently looks like over at the shop....
Posted by J03Y on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 01:01:00 PST

After Car Accident [Pics]

[mood| tired ] [music| Straylight Run - Existentialism On Prom Night ] I got into a car accident a while back and I got tired of seeing my car looking like shit. So, I bought a kit and started inst...
Posted by J03Y on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 01:42:00 PST