i love the summer alomst as much as i love you, i can tell.
it would be really really lovely if i could move to new york one day and take photographs of fashion. care to join me?
lazy, sunny days laying in the garden with friends and a cornetto seem's just brilliant to me, or even stormy nights, snuggled under a big duvet with a girlly film.
i love to have a giggle and dance myself silly to songs i thought everyone else had forgotten.
i can't read a map, i don't get d.i.y, i can't change a tyre. i'm pretty much useless.
i don't have a taste in music, i just like it. i like when it fits the season, i like when to reminds me of people and i like simple songs with pretty words.
i could watch ncis & the gilmore girls all day, then by night, read harry potter or twilight. i'm a geek, yes? i'm not an intresting person, i just like to talk.
good-bye & good-night.
i like harry potter.