3 minutes of lunch break left.... |
Life is not playing enough guitar for my own well being.....getting splatter sprees in Halo 3 and watching John Boah's edited videos of pwning. Losing at Madden to Steve over and over again (fuc... Posted by on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 14:20:00 GMT |
GI Joe |
Put up another new track on the band page. Check it out (Full on Flyhead). The song is called GI Joe, and we recorded it in February in Chico. Hope yall like it. Posted by on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 18:31:00 GMT |
Yay. |
A dream of mine came true today. Sean brought a Tazer home. It was placed in my hands...I tazed Sean.Video coming soon... Posted by on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 19:33:00 GMT |
It's only been almost two years... |
I write one song a year, and I just finished it today. Sort of...There's still that whole issue of writing lyrics for it, but I can always leave that up to Jeremy, so if I get lazy or feel uninspired... Posted by on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 22:45:00 GMT |
Broken stings and absinthe like I blister in the sun |
Here I am, sitting with my legs propped up so my feet don't bleed on the carpet. I just spent the last thirty minutes sitting in my bathtub with my roommate taking shots of whiskey, a bong rip o... Posted by on Mon, 30 May 2005 18:30:00 GMT |